Chapter 6

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He flung the door open to his Commission apartment in agitation, flinching at the loud bang as it smacked against the wall. His jaw clenched as he stepped inside and then shut the door with equal force. He detested this apartment more than anything, and the fact that he was now stuck calling this place home angered him. He usually slept at the office, but when he returned from his date, his secretary informed him that not only had he been banned from sleeping in the office, but the Commission had his sidekicks covering his schedule for the rest of the day.

"What the hell are you talking about? I've got a bed here. I always sleep here," he practically growled when he had returned to his agency. She swallowed nervously, fiddling with the stack of papers in her hands as she struggled to answer his question. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his own nerves. He actually liked Haruki; she was always on time, organized the paperwork beautifully, and was friendly. His bad mood wasn't her fault.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, running a hand down his face. "I'm in a mood, but it's not your fault. Why am I not allowed to sleep here? I just wanted a nap before my patrol this evening. I've had a lousy morning."

He watched as she shifted nervously before letting out a soft sigh and gazing up at him. "Your handler stopped by and told me to take the rollaway bed out of your office. Something about needing to get used to sleeping in an apartment, the Future program or whatever he called it."

He blinked at her, his brain struggling to comprehend what she had just said. Why the Commission was suddenly imposing this on him baffled him. They had never done this with any other match before? Besides, she had just left without a word. It wouldn't be long before someone called to berate him for driving off what they considered to be a "fantastic" match.

But it could've been, he reluctantly admitted. She was as stunning in person as in her picture, if not more so. She treated him like an ordinary person right from the beginning, no excessive flattery or following him around. She even had the courage to call him out on his behavior, which was both refreshing and perplexing. The other women in the program had silently walked away or quit after their dates. Plus, she was funny; he had to hold back laughter at her comment about Endeavor. Her participation in the program puzzled him, and it bothered him more than he cared to admit. However, none of that mattered now, and he could feel his anger rising as Haruki's words sank in.
"You've got to be kidding me," he said, and she nervously nibbled her lip. He groaned, struggling to contain his temper before he caused a scene in the lobby of his agency. This was absolutely uncalled for. "Why the hell—"

"That's not all," she quickly interjected, and he blinked at her with a frown. "Your sidekicks are covering your schedule for the rest of the day..." She trailed off, blinking up at him nervously before taking a deep breath and whispering, "I was told to tell you to go home."

"This is absolute fucking bullshit!" He exclaimed, allowing his wings to stretch and beating the air in frustration before refolding them. He crossed his arms, fighting to keep his emotions in check, trying his hardest to ignore the stares he knew he was attracting. He realized he was acting childish, but at that moment, he didn't care. He was beyond tired of the Commission meddling with his life, weary of being told what to do and how to feel. It wasn't fair. "I did not go through all this fucking training to become a hero just to sit at home and plan dates with girls I have no interest in!"

"I'm really sorry, sir, but if it helps, I secretly put together a box of files that need to be worked on. I know it's not as exciting as patrol, but it gives you something to do. I know you hate not working," she said, moving behind her desk to retrieve a heavy box. He sighed, taking it from her and offering a soft smile. It was reassuring to have an employee who was so loyal and understood his workaholic nature without giving him a hard time.

"You're the greatest, Haruki," he said appreciatively, and she chuckled, grabbing her clipboard before playfully pushing him towards the door.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Now get out of here and enjoy the rest of your day the best you can, you fucking addict," she said, pushing him through the door. He sighed, unable to say goodbye before she closed it firmly behind him. With nothing else to do and nowhere else to go, he flew himself to the Commission apartment.

The apartment wasn't terrible; there was nothing inherently wrong with it. It was a decent size, equipped with a spacious balcony he could come and go from. However, it lacked that cozy, lived-in feeling. It was cold, meticulously maintained, and unnaturally clean. There were no personal photos adorning the walls, no scuffs or stains that came with the passage of time. It was a place for appearances, not a genuine home. Moreover, staying here meant he was dependent on the Commission, a prospect he detested more than anything.

He sighed, tossing the box of paperwork onto the kitchen counter before reaching for his phone to check his email. He refreshed the page, furrowing his brow in confusion and refreshing it again. Nothing, no new emails. He frowned and proceeded to examine his messages and call log, yet there was nothing new there either. It perplexed him. Why hadn't they reached out? Why wasn't anyone reprimanding him?

Gritting his teeth, he ensured his phone wasn't on silent, then set it on the counter. He took a seat and began sorting through the paperwork that Haruki had provided. The stack included various arrest reports, villain records, and miscellaneous items in need of organization, updating, and correct filing. With a resigned sigh, he retrieved the laptop Haruki had supplied and got to work.

By the time he tore his eyes away from the laptop screen, they stung from prolonged staring. He blinked, trying to rewet them as he leaned back in his chair. He released a contented sigh, stretching and flexing his wings to alleviate the discomfort from having them tightly folded for so long. A yawn escaped him, and he cast a quick glance at the clock on the stove, sucking in a breath. Was it really that late?

He pushed his chair back, rising to stretch his entire body before reaching for his phone on the counter. He inhaled deeply, and there it was: a new email notification glaring at him. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for.


I've been informed to tell you that you need to plan a second date for this upcoming weekend. The Vice President sounded super excited about it when he told me to email you. I don't know what you did, but great job! It's about time you finally found a Mrs. Hawks. Thank you for finally doing what you're supposed to and not getting my ass in trouble for once.


He nearly snarled, rereading the email, attempting to determine if it was some kind of prank. It couldn't be true. She had yelled at him and left the cafe before the date was even properly over. Could she really still be going through with this? What had changed her mind today? What was the Commission offering her that convinced her to tolerate his abominable behavior?

"Well, shit," he muttered, sinking back into his chair with a resigned sigh. He wished he could scream and tell her she was making a colossal mistake, but he was powerless. He knew that the upcoming date would have to be unpleasant enough to override anything the Commission had promised her. Otherwise, he couldn't fathom how to save her from the absolute hell awaiting her if she went through with this.

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