Chapter 15

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"Jesus, you look like absolute crap," Akemi remarked as you walked into the coffee shop for your shift. You scowled at her, walking into the back to grab your apron, not dignifying her comment with a response. She followed you and you sighed, already anticipating her persistence. "What happened to you? Your eyes are all red."

"Nothing," you replied, attempting to change the subject as you put on your apron. "I just had a rough night, some issues with a guy, I guess."

"Please tell me you didn't see that shithead again?" She asked, her concern evident as she took a coffee pot from the shelf before heading over to a coffee machine. "Don't give him another chance, he doesn't deserve it."

"It'll be a cold day in hell before I'd let that asshole back into my life. Not after everything he's done," you replied bitterly. You let out a deep sigh, and the sound of the bell above the door caught your attention. Quickly, you wiped your hands on your apron and turned your gaze over the bakery case.

"Welcome in!" You called out, observing the new customer with interest. She was a middle-aged woman, her black hair pulled up into a neat bun, her green eyes scanning the surroundings before meeting yours. It took only a second before she burst into a wide smile, approaching the counter eagerly.

"Y/N?" She asked you, and you blinked at her in surprise, glancing down to confirm you hadn't put on your name tag yet. You looked back up at her, examining her face before tilting your head in confusion.

"That's me," you said hesitantly, "Do I... know you?"

She quickly chuckled, shaking her head gently before sighing. "No, but that's okay. You're about to. My name is Haruki. I work for Hawks, I'm his personal secretary."

You let out a strangled "oh," your anxiety suddenly spiking as you stepped away from the counter on instinct alone. From beside you, Akemi let out an ear-piercing scream, jumping up and down in excitement. You didn't really understand what was happening; the Commission had promised you a break, so why was she here? What could he possibly want so badly that he was sending his secretary to your job?

"Did you say you work for Hawks?" Akemi exclaimed, and Hakuri chuckled again before nodding.

"Sure do! The one and only airhead himself," she said, and you snorted at her comment without even meaning to. She turned to look at you, your face flushing as you glanced at her. Panic flooded through you as you gazed at her.

"Sorry, I–"

"Nope," she said, putting a finger to her lips as she shook her head. "Absolutely no apologies from you. I can't even begin to imagine the hell you've been through these last few weeks with that absolute Bird Brain."

"Excuse me?" Akemi said, her head whipping over to look at you. Her eyes were wide with excitement, and you grimaced as she grasped your arm tightly, pulling you towards her in excitement. She spun you to face her, her face inches from yours as she grasped your shoulders tightly.

"You've been seeing Hawks?! As in the Hawks! The number two fucking hero?! I need you to explain right fucking now," she said, shaking you slightly. Hakuri started laughing, gently grasping Akemi's wrist, pulling her off you.

"There will be plenty of time for that, but do you mind covering for your friend here so we can talk? I can promise you an autograph and some free merch for your troubles. Or if you prefer another hero, we network with most agencies throughout the country."

"Oh! Holy shit! Absolutely, she's all yours," Akemi said, grabbing your apron and slipping it over your head despite your protests. She quickly pushed you out through the kitchen doors, and Hakuri grabbed your arm, yelling a thank you over her shoulder as she pulled you out the door. You glared at your coworker as you passed by the front window, but she just gave you a small wave as you were tugged out of sight.

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