Chapter 10

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A soft bump on your door drew your attention from the dishes you had been washing. Glancing at the clock, you sighed as you realized it was just about time for Hawks to pick you up for your date today. You had been beyond surprised when the Vice President had reached out to inform you that he wanted to pick you up from your apartment.

"He wants to...pick me up?" you asked, unable to hide the confusion in your voice.

"Yes!" The Vice President breathed, his excitement palpable through the phone. "Dear god, you have been such a blessing. The fact that you're three dates in, and he's asking to pick you up must be a good sign." You frowned, thinking back to the entire mess that was your last date. How the hell was any of that a good sign?

"Uh, sure, I guess," you mumbled, and you could hear him suck in a deep breath before sighing.

"You're doing well. Just keep hanging in there. I am more than confident that you two will do well together. With you being quirkless, any kids you manage to produce will have his quirk. It'll do wonders for the program. Plus, everyone loves hero babies. Just imagine how excited the entire country will be at the news of the number two hero taking a wife and having a kid. Just keep it up!" With that, the line went dead.

You pulled your hands from the sink, wiping them on a towel before heading towards the front door. As you pulled it open, you expected to see him standing there, but instead, he was crouched down, talking to one of your neighbor's sons.

You almost laughed at the look on the child's face, eyes wide, the excitement in them so obvious as he gazed at the number two hero in awe. You couldn't help but smile at the interaction, Hawks reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pen to sign the boy's bag. It was beyond sweet, something you'd expect from the number two hero, and you couldn't help but wonder what he would be like with kids of his own. You were already convinced he'd be amazing at it, just based on this one interaction.

You didn't have long to think about it before the child scampered off, and Hawks was suddenly face to face with you. Your eyes widened in surprise at how close he was, your chests touching, his breath just brushing against your lips, and you could feel your face begin to flush. How had you never noticed just how gold his eyes were, so warm as they held yours captive? Did he always smell this good?

And then, suddenly, the moment was over before it had even truly begun, Hawks jumping backward as if he'd been shocked by something. "Jesus, why the hell are you so close?" he muttered, and you furrowed your brows, puzzled by his reaction. After all, he had been the one to stand up and get close to you, not the other way around. How the hell was he back to acting like this after being so nice to that boy a few seconds ago?

"And here I was thinking just maybe you weren't a total asshole after all, but I'm obviously a horrible judge of character," you snapped in response, feeling the sting of his actions. That statement was more true than he'd ever know, considering your past experiences, especially with your ex.

"Cute, but I've been called far worse than that, Dove," he retorted with a smirk, your patience starting to wear thin. A bird nickname? How cliché.

"How is it possible someone who's obviously so good with children is terrible with women?" you shot back, and he suddenly frowned, those striking eyes of his narrowing dangerously as he looked at you.

"Maybe because I don't mind interacting with children, and I'm forced to interact with you?" he snapped, and your stomach twisted sickly at his words. You stepped back, angrily grabbing the door to your apartment and slamming it shut in his face. Leaning against it, you tilted your head to fight the tears that threatened to escape.

He was completely right, of course. He had no choice but to talk to and interact with you; that was the essence of this program. But the question lingered in your mind: was it even worth it at this point? Even if you made it to the next stage of the program, it was painfully clear that he didn't like you. How were you supposed to convince him to go further, to build a connection, when he seemed repelled by your presence? Maybe it was time to give up. You could get a second job, maybe even a third, to cover your legal fees, and walk away from this frustrating endeavor.

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