Chapter 43

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He slammed his fist down on his desk, watching the monitor through narrowed eyes as she let out another small cough, her body shaking with the sound. It had been months since she'd gotten sick, and she was still coughing, intensifying his frustration. He needed her to be healthy, to look okay, because when he finally figured out why her mother wasn't getting pregnant, it would be game over for her future stepfather. He was going to need her if he was going to get Hawks to finally do what he was told.

He sighed, leaning back into his chair with a twisted smile. It would be so fucking easy now. Hawks would break the second he saw her, his behavior over the last few months confirming that easily. Something had happened in those two weeks he'd had off after the landslide, changed in a way Jiro didn't quite understand. He knew that Hawks had mated himself with her, his quirk cementing their connection before he could even fully comprehend it. That had been obvious since before the gala, since he'd moved her in with him.

But he had severely underestimated just how strong that bond would be. Hawks took Y/N with him everywhere, like they were attached at the hip. If Hawks was somewhere in public, she was next to him. He showcased her at events, various modeling gigs she had no right being at, and constantly brought her up in interviews. He'd even shown up with lipstick kisses on his face at a meeting, his eyes wide with embarrassment when his secretary had finally informed him of what everyone was trying – and failing – to hide their chuckles about. It was honestly nauseating.

The public adored them, eagerly buying up tabloids filled with fake gossip and following accounts dedicated to their relationship. Even the President was quite taken with the match, excited for all the great press that Hawks had been receiving. She praised Jiro to anyone who would listen for the excellent job done with the program, but it wasn't enough for him. He still needed a successor, but it hadn't happened yet. It was the beginning of December now, and he was growing impatient. His investigations into why it hadn't happened turned up nothing until he finally came up with an idea.

In this round of testing, he had the doctors swab her after confirming the last date they'd had sex. If Hawks was really doing what he was supposed to, there would be evidence left behind. He'd been lucky right off the bat, with the doctors calling and telling him they'd been able to perform the kit based on her answer. If that swab came back negative, it would be all the proof he needed, and he would finally be able to play his ace. Another deep cough echoed through the monitor, and he groaned. Why the hell wasn't she getting better? The doctor had examined her more times than he could count, each time prescribing a new medication, but nothing seemed to alleviate the cough completely. It was starting to grow increasingly concerning.

"You know, Hawks said the weirdest thing the other day," Mamoru's voice drew his attention to the door of his office, and he had to force himself to stay seated and not snatch the envelope with Y/N's results. He sighed, leaning back in his chair as Mamoru settled across from him. "He was asking about the program and the expectations. I told him the same thing he's heard, that he's expected to have a baby, and he waved me off, told me he knew all that already. No, that wasn't what he wanted to know about; he wanted to know about getting engaged."

He glanced up at him, furrowing his brows in confusion. "He asked about getting engaged?"

"Yeah, he wanted to know when the Commission was expecting him to do it. Asked if he would get to pick the ring, his cheeks all flushed and embarrassed," he chuckled, crossing his arms as Jiro's eyes tracked the envelope. "It was honestly... really heartwarming."

If he were honest with himself, it really was impressive. Hawks had gone from swearing off women and driving every single one away from him to actually looking like he was going to settle down. If anyone had asked him a few months ago if he thought it was ever possible, he would have laughed in their faces. If he were in any other mood or situation, he would almost be proud of him for it.

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