Chapter 34

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"This," he said with a chuckle, turning back to the reporters, using the back of his hand to free his lips from your lipstick before giving them a large smile. "Is my girlfriend."

You felt the butterflies in your stomach as he turned back towards you with a broad smile, the press absolutely losing their minds as they rapidly threw questions at him. He was quick to turn on the charm, pecking your cheek before walking towards them to answer. Watching him walk away, the swagger undeniable, it was interesting to witness this side of him – so confident, cool, and cocky. It was a far cry from the man who, not even an hour and a half ago, was absolutely falling apart in your hands.

You could feel your face flush at the memory, nibbling your lip as you tried to stop your thoughts, but how could you not think about it? It was unlike anything you'd ever experienced with someone before – the pure desperation as he cried out your name, in the back of a Commission car no less, was absolutely amazing. God, it had you wetter than you'd ever dare admit. Your little glimpse of him after his shower was nothing compared to seeing everything up close. You were fairly certain now he was absolutely perfect. How was it even fair that he was so unbelievably fucking pretty, from the tips of his wings all the way down to his–

"Now, just who are you?" A soft, feminine voice suddenly whispered in your ear, causing you to jump and let out a scared squeak that had Keigo whipping his head around faster than you'd ever seen, his eyes narrowing to slits. He looked terrifying, like an absolute predator, but thankfully it only lasted a second until a wide grin suddenly split his face, his pupils widening as he bounded back over to you.

"Now, don't go scaring her off!" He said playfully, grabbing the woman next to you and pulling her into a headlock.

"Hawks! You're gonna mess up my hair!" She whined, quickly freeing herself from his grip with a giggle. It only took you a second for the realization that this was Miruko to set in. She was shorter than him, but her long white ears made up for it easily. Her dress was tight, silver, and shimmery with accents of purple. Her long white hair was styled beautifully into a bun, her red eyes focusing back on you as she smiled, blinking those long, beautiful lashes at you. "Plus, I was just about to introduce myself to a very pretty girl. You make a horrible wingman. Pun intended." She added, nudging him with a chuckle.

You blinked at her in confusion, trying to process her words. Was she... hitting on you? Your gaze traveled over to Keigo, who also looked confused, his eyebrows pinching as his gaze flickered between the two of you until he frowned, his feathers bristling ever so slightly. He was just about to say something back when another voice sliced through the conversation, causing them both to groan.

"Are you children done out here? We should be inside already." You looked in the direction of the voice, sucking in a breath at the man that loomed behind them. His suit was black, but his dress shirt was crimson red, which only made sense considering who he was, his expression stern as he glared down at the two younger heroes before him. If Himari was here, you already knew she would be freaking out, and that thought made your heart ache.

Keigo took the distraction Endeavor provided to swiftly glue himself to your side, tugging you against him by your waist and pulling your mind back to reality as he smiled up at the flame hero. "Awh, don't be like that, Endeavor," he said playfully. "I was just taking the time to introduce my very pretty girlfriend to the press." He turned, giving Miruko a very pointed glare as he finished his sentence, almost making you laugh. Was he jealous?

"Awh what?!" Miruko exclaimed, crossing her arms in a pout. "Since when?! The playboy Hawks finally picked just one? You're normally drowning in bitches, though I have to admit it's weird to see you bring one with you somewhere on purpose." You almost didn't stop your giggle in time as Hawks grimaced next to you at her words. Her eyes quickly widened as she looked at you, raising her arms. "Shit, sorry, no. Of course he did, you're absolutely beautiful. I mean just look at you. Oh god damn it, I really messed that one up, didn't I?"

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