Chapter 61

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"Please, the pink one!"

"No, the gold one is way cuter, and I'm your dad, so what I say goes."

"The dad with no fashion sense! The pink one has such a cute, puffy skirt!"

"Why does everyone keep insisting I have no fashion sense?!"

"We've all seen that jacket, the Gucci one. It's soooo ugly!"

"That jacket is not ugly! Besides, it was a brand promotion!"

You chuckled in the kitchen, lifting the steaming tea to your lips with a smile. Keigo and Himari were embroiled in their most intense argument yet, and you were desperate to see who would claim victory this time.

"It's kinda ugly, just like the gold one you picked. The pink one, please!" Himari whined, making you smirk. You almost agreed with her; that Gucci jacket was certainly... something.

"But the gold one will look better in the gallery," he argued, prompting a desperate whine from Himari. You could almost envision her looking up at him with wide puppy dog eyes as they engaged in their stare-down. She was getting desperate – you could hear it. It was only a matter of time before she brought out the big guns.

"But the pink one will match mine. Please Daddy, I want to match! We're a family," she said softly, and you nearly spit your tea back into your cup. The little shit had just won the argument, hands down. You could almost hear the gears turning in his head. It would only take a few seconds before –

"Pink it is," he said with a sigh, and Himari let out a squeal of excitement. It only took a few more minutes until they emerged from the room, Himari looking victorious, head held high as Keigo carried the source of their argument against his chest tightly.

Barely even three weeks old, small crimson wings tucked tightly against her back, your newborn daughter snuggled into her father's warmth with a soft coo. She was decked out in a pink dress, the tulle of the skirt making it look much larger than it was. White leggings to help keep her legs warm and a large pink bow nestled on the soft blonde curls of her hair. She had inherited your eye color but her father's eye markings – your perfect little princess.

It was hard to believe that she was here, especially considering you never thought Keigo wanted his own kids. It had nearly sent you into shock when he'd stormed into your bedroom on your wedding night, telling you he wanted one.

"W-What?" You managed to spit out, your throat dry as he took another deep breath.

"I want to have a baby," he repeated, and you blinked at him in confusion. You swallowed, glancing down at your phone to open an app to look at something as Keigo started to plead his case.

"I know I said I didn't want one, but I think I was just scared. I mean, my parents were shit, and I didn't think I'd be any good, plus I had the Commission breathing down my throat. But they're gone now, and these last few months with Himari have had me thinking that maybe I could be a good dad. I know I haven't really been doing it all that long, and things change,"

You glanced down at the app as he continued talking, quickly confirming the information you needed before looking back up at him.

"I just really think it would be worth a shot to try. Himari might like having a little sister or brother. The house is big enough—"


"We could turn one of the spare rooms into a nursery—"


"Plus we're married now, so—"

"Keigo!" you snapped, finally drawing his rant to a close as he stared at you nervously. It had taken less than a second for you to agree to the idea in your head. The Commission was gone, you had Himari back, he'd made an amazing stepfather. You were stable, married, and happy, plus the thought of having another baby actually sounded kinda amazing.

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