Chapter 12

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He sighed, gently swaying on his feet as he waited for her outside the arcade. He was aware he didn't look his best, clad in a basic hoodie and jeans despite the warmth of the summer sun. His hair was a bit disheveled, and he knew he appeared tired. He hadn't managed to sleep at all the previous night, as he kept replaying his conversation with Haruki in his mind. He'd attempted to rest when he arrived home, but it had been futile, tossing and turning until he finally dragged himself out of bed. He had even thrown the gift bag away at one point, only to retrieve it from the trash can an hour later, driven by his internal turmoil.

His stomach churned, the tension within him twisting in ways he had only experienced during the most grueling phases of his training. Fear gripped him, and he loathed the sense of vulnerability it brought. He couldn't decide which was scarier for him at this moment: the prospect of her mentioning last week's incident or the possibility of Haruki's words actually swaying his resolve about the entire situation.

The sound of a car pulling up to the curb drew his attention, and he sucked in a shaky breath, biting his lip nervously to divert his thoughts from the fluttering unease in his stomach. He watched with keen interest as she alighted from the car, unable to suppress a slight upturn of his lips.

She sported her signature high ponytail, her attire exuding a casual charm - a snug red shirt with a flattering V-neck and a pair of form-fitting blue jeans. Strangely, the blend of these two colors captivated him. After thanking the driver with her customary bow, she began her approach, swiftly snapping him out of whatever trance she had inadvertently cast upon him.

As he shuffled his feet, he found himself torn between the urge to sabotage this date and the wisdom in following Haruki's advice to give her a fair chance. He yearned to unravel her, to comprehend why she was willing to endure his difficult nature. It felt selfish, he understood that, but after enduring the hardships imposed by the Commission and relinquishing so much for his hero career, he was entitled to a moment of selfishness...wasn't he?

"Hi," she greeted softly, her voice jolting him from his contemplation. He blinked at her and sighed deeply. No, selfishness wasn't the right path here, not by a long shot. He was, after all, a hero, and she required his protection. He would stay committed to his plan. This wasn't a matter of what he wanted but of what was fair to her.

"Let's just go inside," he declared dismissively, noting her retreat and the sadness that seemed to weigh her down. She sighed and nodded, her gaze fixed on the ground. Her reaction unsettled him, and he couldn't help but wonder about her past relationship; how had her ex treated her for her to react this way? He turned and walked inside before his guilt could consume him.

Although he wasn't certain what to expect, he should have known better than to visit such a place during the day. As he stepped through the door, he was met with gasps and screams.

"It's Hawks!" a teenage girl near the entrance exclaimed, just as Y/N followed him inside. He suppressed a groan and hastily put on a wide smile as he was swiftly surrounded by screaming teenagers. They pressed in on him, and he gritted his teeth, struggling to block out most of the sensory overload. It was typically easier to handle these situations outdoors, where the noise and screams didn't reverberate, but within the confined walls, it felt almost torturous.

He tried to placate the crowd, extending his hands and saying, "Woah," but then he caught sight of Y/N being jostled and knocked over by the mob. He sucked in a breath.

It felt like time had slowed down as she landed roughly on her arms, the thud resonating through his feathers. He couldn't imagine that it didn't hurt, and his heart twisted when she finally looked back up, her eyes brimming with tears. Without hesitation, he sent a feather towards her while trying to redirect his focus to the screaming crowd surrounding him. He needed to get Y/N out from under their feet and, at the same time, calm them down.

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