Chapter 2

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"Awh, leaving so soon, sweetheart?" He called to her back, unable to hide his smirk as he watched the woman stomp out of the Commission break room. He sighed as she faded from view, sinking back down onto the sofa and gazing out the window with a scowl. He hated having to act like an absolute jackass, but it was better that way. These women deserved far better than this.

"Hawks, that's the third one this month," a voice snapped, drawing his attention back to the doorway. He threw his head back, suppressing a groan as his handler crossed his arms angrily. How did they always seem to know when he was doing something wrong?

"Was it? I wasn't counting. Thought I could do better than that," he quipped back with an exaggerated frown before running a hand through his hair. He eyed his handler, not missing the bags under his eyes, and he couldn't help the small twinge of guilt he felt. He knew he was making the man's life difficult lately, but if he had to be unhappy, he was going to make it everyone else's problem too. They were a team, after all – at least that's what all the emails kept reminding him.

His handler let out a disgusted tut, and Hawks rolled his eyes. He already knew he was about to receive another lecture, so why not see how far he could push his luck? He quickly sent a feather to grab a sugary drink from the fridge, popping it open and taking a large sip before turning back towards his handler, amber eyes narrowed in defiance.

"First of all," his handler said, striding forward and snatching the drink from his hand, ignoring his protests. He stomped over to the break room sink, making direct eye contact with him before turning the drink and dumping it down the drain. Hawks let out a distressed "hey" as he watched the drink empty. "You know better than to be drinking this stuff. It's not on your nutrition plan."

"Second," he said, walking over to the trash can and throwing the can inside with a loud sigh. "You need to stop acting like a fucking child over this."

"Fuck you, Mamoru" Hawks muttered in return, crossing his arms and sinking back into the sofa, sulking.

"I'm good, thanks. That's supposed to be the job of the girls you keep chasing off. You can't keep doing this, you have no choice but to accept it. You're starting to upset the President," Mamoru said with a sigh, shaking his head.

"How many times have I argued against this?" Hawks said bitterly, "I don't want a relationship, I don't want to get married, and I swear on my life I will never have a child."

"Unfortunately for you, your desires don't matter here. Besides, have you ever considered what this will do to your reputation when it gets out that the number two hero is an absolute dick?" His handler asked, tilting his head at him.

Hawks grimaced, standing up to look out the window fully now. He stretched his wings before folding them neatly behind his back again. Resting his head against the cool glass, he wished more than anything that he could just pop it open, spread his wings, and take off, saving himself from having to listen to this same lecture for the umpteenth time.

It wasn't the first time he'd had this conversation with Mamoru, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. Normally he would never dare to speak like this to any member of the Commission, but he was just so tired of hearing about it. He didn't want this, had made it clear multiple times that this was something he wasn't interested in, yet he found himself in their stupid Future Securement Program anyway.

"Don't threaten me with that." He said, rolling his eyes. "We both know those girls have signed NDAs. They won't be telling anyone anything. The only thing they'll do is take down their Hawks posters from their rooms, disappointed that he doesn't live up to their expectations," he finished with a snarl. Movement on the street below the window caught his eye as he watched a young woman making her way out of the lobby doors, looking around before heading down the pavement. Her straight hair blew in the breeze, arms wrapped tightly around herself, like she was seeking some sort of comfort.

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