Chapter 45

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You sighed, curling into him in contentment. Your eyes flickered to the sliding glass door, snow pounding against it, causing you to let out a small shiver despite the warmth he was providing. He shifted at the motion, pulling you tighter against him and readjusting the blanket slightly. It was almost enough to make you chuckle; his bird instincts had really seem to have taken over since the weather changed and it was like he was constantly trying to keep you warm.

Shifting your gaze back to the TV with a happy sigh, you tried to focus on the movie you'd insisted on watching together, but it was hard, the memories of the last few months replaying in your head, making it hard to concentrate on the screen. They had been nothing short of amazing after all.

After your small fight, Keigo had returned home apologizing before effectively keeping you locked in your bedroom for the remainder of that week—not that you complained in the slightest. You were fairly certain it had been the best week of your entire life; it was certainly the best sex. It had almost broken your heart watching him get ready for work when he had to go back, though the hickey that just peeked out from the collar of his costume provided an odd sense of satisfaction.

"Hey," you called out from the bed, wrapping the blanket around you as he shimmied on his jacket. He turned to look at you with a smile, tilting his head in a way that sent his hair falling in front of his eyes. How was it fair that he was so fucking pretty no matter what he did, it was enough to send your heart thumping in your chest. "I want to change my answer."

He blinked at you, his brows knitting together in confusion. "To what question?"

"Who my favorite hero is," you responded with a grin, watching him as he shoved his hands in his pockets with a cocky smile.

"So that's all it took? A few good dick downs, and I'm suddenly the top hero in your heart?" He asked smugly, moving his hands over his chest dramatically, and you scoffed in response.

"Keigo! Now where the hell did you learn to talk like that?" you asked, your mouth hanging open in shock as he blinked at you, an eyebrow lifted like he thought you'd asked something stupid.

"Y/N, I was a virgin, not brain dead. I'm still a man; of course, I know those things and terms. Most people with access to the internet do," he said with a shrug, and you huffed in response before smirking at him again.

"Well, it was brave of you to assume that it's you, though, because I think Edgeshot is quite amazing."

He laughed, running a hand through his hair to fix it before coming over to the bed. The mattress sunk under his weight as he crawled over to you, giving you a soft kiss before reaching up and gently pushing you back onto the bed.

Leaning over you, he looked down before scrunching his nose. "Well, too bad for you because you're stuck with me instead." You laughed, and he let out a small chuckle in return before giving you a kiss on the forehead and wishing you a good day at work.

However, working at the cafe only lasted a couple more weeks after that. Hawks brought up the conversation as you climbed into bed one night, his eyes fixed on the bandages covering your hands. It had been a rough day, and you'd been so busy that you'd gotten careless a few times. He sighed as you curled up next to him, adjusting himself to look into your eyes.

"Do you like your job?" he asked, and you sighed before shrugging.

"Yeah, it's alright," you answered, and he frowned.

"If you could do anything, what would you do?" he inquired, causing you to furrow your brow as you looked into those gorgeous amber eyes.

"I'd be a painter, but you already knew that, you loser," you said with a soft laugh before rolling your eyes. He shuffled closer, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before smiling at you.

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