Chapter 22

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"You look absolutely beautiful," he whispered softly, his gaze fixed on hers. Ever since he first laid eyes on her in Haruki's apartment, he found himself struggling to maintain composure. There was an allure to the way her outfit mirrored his, and the transformation of her sleeves into feathers when she lifted her arms only added to his fascination. But it wasn't just today, no. Something about her captivated him entirely – the sparkle in her eyes when she laughed, her refusal to tolerate his bullshit, and the patience she displayed with him through it all. In every aspect, he was wholly and completely enchanted, and the depth of it scared him more than he had ever anticipated.

But, denying his feelings was pointless now. The Commission had successfully orchestrated his downfall by selecting someone with profound determination, matching or even surpassing his own stubbornness. Despite his attempts to make her run, she had thwarted him at every turn. So he was done fighting, done with all the stupid little games. She belonged to him, and he was exhausted from pretending it could be any other way.

His hands delicately cradled her face, relishing the softness of her cheeks and the warmth beneath his touch. His heart pounded in his chest, the visible flush in his cheeks betraying his nervousness. Grappling with that emotion, he acknowledged it was just a kiss, yet he had every right to feel that way. How could he not feel nervous? It wasn't as if he had kissed anyone before, but dear God, he was so ready to try. Leaning in, his lips hovered inches from hers, capturing the tremor of her breath. He stood on the brink of making the move, sealing the deal, when the sudden halt of the car shattered the moment entirely.

He took in a sharp breath, the weight of reality crashing back as he pulled away, nerves taking hold. The distant sounds of the festival filtered through the car windows, and he sighed. Why did they have to make such a fuss about him being here? It wasn't like he spoke about this town to anyone; in fact, he'd rather forget it altogether. "Shit, I'm sorry," he whispered softly, exhaling heavily. "Just, uh, try to stay close to me. My fans can be—"

"Rough?" she interjected with sarcasm, crossing her arms in agitation. "Yeah, I remember. Don't really feel like getting pushed over again," she retorted sharply, and he immediately sensed she was referring to the arcade, guilt twisting his stomach as he recalled her tear-filled eyes.

"Are you upset over it?" he asked, guilt evident in his wide eyes. "Because I'm sorry. I should've done more than just send a stupid feather. I should've stopped them and made sure you were okay. Actually, I should've done a lot more than just that." A sad sigh escaped him as he reached into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the small keychain from that day. He had kept it with him, sometimes in his pocket, other times attached to the belt loop of his jeans, waiting for the right moment to return it. This, he supposed, was as good as any other. He wanted her to trust that he would protect her today, that she was safe with him.

Observing her furrowed brows in confusion, he handed it to her gently. She let out a small gasp as she examined the keychain in her hand. "It doesn't really change what happened that day, but I got overwhelmed and I snapped. I chased after you when I snapped out of it, but you were already out of view," he confessed, glancing at her with a soft sigh. The memory of that date haunted him, especially after meeting her ex-boyfriend. He regretted how he had treated her and the other women in the program, but at least he could try to make amends with her. "But I'm... I'm sorry."

Nerves clenched his stomach, unsure of what her response would be. Without waiting, he seized her hand, flung the car door open, and pulled her out with him. As they adjusted to the light, a deep voice echoed, screaming, "It's Hawks!"

In an instant, chaos erupted. People swarmed around him, screaming and pushing as he tried to guide Y/N through the pandemonium. If they could reach the stage set up for him to speak, festival security could help control the crowd. He did his best to shield her from the pushing, but the mob's intensity grew. Then it happened – his grip on her arm slipped. He turned to regrab it, but the crowd had already swallowed her, and she was lost in the sea of people.

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