Chapter 5

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You sucked in a deep breath as the door behind you closed, bending over to allow your racing heart to gradually slow down. You marveled at your newfound courage – who did you think you were, talking to the number two hero like that? This date had been a disaster from the start. After a moment and several more deep breaths, you finally felt your body relax. With a loud sigh, you straightened up.

Clutching the book tightly in your arms, you grimaced at your impulsive purchase. It was a book you'd been wanting to read, and you had secretly hoped to stretch this date out long enough to finish most of it without having to buy it. Unfortunately, he had proven to be a total ass, exceeding all your expectations. You'd stormed out before even finishing the fifth chapter. You'd be eating ramen until your next paycheck, but you could handle it. Being tight on cash wasn't new, and if today was any indication of your future, it certainly wouldn't be the last time. Besides, you wouldn't have allowed him to buy anything for you, even if he'd offered.

You took one more deep breath before turning and walking up the sidewalk. You didn't want to be there when he finally stepped out, and the fresh air would definitely help clear your head. It was far better than being stuck in a stuffy Commission car. You clenched your jaw as you heard the cafe door opening behind you, quickly ducking into an alleyway and pressing yourself against the wall. The last thing you wanted was for him to try and talk to you about what had just happened.

You held your breath, listening to the sound of his wings unfurl and beat the air. His shadow passed over you as you stood there, but he didn't stop. After gathering yourself, you inhaled another deep breath before exhaling with a sigh. You waited a second, making sure he was gone before sliding out of the alleyway and making your way up the sidewalk.

Tilting your head up as you walked, you allowed the sun to warm your face. The weather was pleasant, still early enough in the day that the summer heat hadn't taken over completely. You estimated it would be at least thirty more minutes before the Commission car would return to pick you up, and your apartment was only a twenty-minute walk away. It didn't seem worth bothering them to pick you up early, and you needed time to process everything before dealing with the fallout from your abrupt departure.

It was hard to admit, but he looked better in person than he did on TV. Blonde hair perfectly brushed back, amber eyes like two golden pools. Based on what you'd seen of his hero costume, you were willing to bet his body matched that perfection under the baggy clothes he'd chosen to wear. His wings had looked well-groomed, the crimson plumage so fluffy that you almost reached for them on impulse when you turned to greet him. You stopped yourself quickly, realizing how incredibly rude and intrusive that would be. He was only a few inches taller than you, but his wings made him appear much larger. You couldn't help but wonder how large they were when fully spread.

However, your interaction with him left much to be desired. You knew he was charming; everyone knew that. You'd seen the TV interviews and the way he seemed to flirt with the camera, making people fawn over him easily. He was popular, witty, and undeniably attractive, but he'd thrown all that away to act like a total ass.

You weren't naive; thanks to the Vice President's warning, you'd gone in with the knowledge that this wouldn't be a pleasant experience. To be honest, it wasn't so much what he said that was terrible. It was more about how he approached things, the coldness in the way he regarded you, and how easily he lied to you. It was such a stark difference from what you'd expect from any hero.

By the time you made it home, your stomach was rumbling, and you sighed, opening your fridge with a frown. There wasn't much left except some leftover pizza from a few days ago. Sighing, you took a slice from the box, throwing it on a plate to microwave. You watched it spin around before your ringtone distracted you.

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