Chapter 1

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You sighed as you stood outside the towering building before you. The sunshine glinted off the windows, causing you to squint as you glanced upwards. Like most of the buildings in the city, it seemed to stretch endlessly towards the sky. You found comfort in this, a good reminder of how small you were in the grand scheme of everything.

Taking another deep breath, you refocused your attention on the paper clutched tightly in your hand. It had arrived in the mail a few days ago, a letter from the Hero Commission. You treated it like all your mail, sitting at the table, sipping on your tea as you sorted through letters, distinguishing between bills that were long overdue and other miscellaneous pieces.

Frowning at the return address, you realized it wasn't an everyday occurrence for the Hero Commission to send letters, especially not to someone like you. You opened it without hesitation, your eyes widening at the text on the paper. You glanced over at the stack of bills on the table, filled with overdue notices and cutoff warnings. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, yet doubt still gnawed at your stomach. Sighing, you placed the letter back on the table, your face in your hands. Your current income wouldn't be able to pay any of the bills staring you in the face. This might be your chance to escape the clutches of debt and start fresh.

Gathering your courage, you folded the paper and stashed it back into your pocket as you strode through the shiny glass doors of the Commission office. The lobby was abuzz with activity, people coming and going, heroes rushing to and from elevators, and men and women in suits engaged in animated conversations. Ignoring the distractions, you made a beeline for the front desk.

Behind the desk sat a woman, busy typing on her computer. She appeared mature, somewhere in her mid-thirties, her sleek black hair combed into a tidy bun. Warm brown eyes turned toward you as you approached, and she greeted you with a friendly smile.

"Welcome to the HPSC. How can I assist you today?" she inquired sweetly. Nervously, you reached into your pocket and retrieved the letter, placing it on her desk and sliding it over to her.

"I'm here about this letter... I'm interested in signing up," you stated, your voice revealing your unease. She promptly picked up the paper, adjusting her glasses that dangled around her neck, emitting a soft hum as she began to read.

"Alright, let me make a quick call and inform them. Someone will be down to escort you shortly, okay?" she said, returning the letter to you with another friendly smile. She reached for the phone and motioned for you to take a seat in one of the chairs that lined the lobby. You sat down with a soft sigh, your nerves churning in your stomach. Fidgeting with your fingers, you couldn't help but question if all this was really worth it. Maybe you should just go back home and consider taking on a second job.

"Excuse me?" a voice interrupted your thoughts, causing you to turn your attention to the speaker before you could collect your belongings and leave. "You're the one interested in our Future Securement Project, correct?"

You nodded, scrutinizing the man in front of you. He was attired in a black suit, white dress shirt, and a crimson tie. His hair appeared slightly disheveled, though you suspected it might be more due to genetics than a lack of grooming. It was worth noting that he looked utterly drained, evident from the dark circles under his eyes.

"Perfect, right this way. We just need to get some paperwork filled out, run some background checks, and the President would like to conduct a brief interview," he explained. Your eyes widened with anxiety at the mention of an interview, and the man seemed to sense your unease, hastily raising his hands. "Oh no, no, don't worry. It's nothing daunting. She interviews everyone, just looking for something very specific related to one of our candidates."

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