Girl's Frontline Prologue

135 3 0

September 7, 2060
Mansion, Nevada Desert

In the middle of the desert, there's a mansion with nature around it, the perspective zooms in on a window and we see a man in a bedroom sleeping, then he suddenly opens his eyes, stands up, goes to the bathroom to take a morning bath and changes his clothes. He goes out of the bedroom into the stairs towards the kitchen to eat.

Ghost :Good morning Lucia.

Lucia :Morning ghost, breakfast is at the table.

Ghost goes over to the table and eats, while some kids runs around the table, who are none other than the kids of ghost and lucia.

Kids :(runs around the table)

Ghost :Kids don't run on the dining table. Or you're gonna get hurt.

Kids :(stops running) alright dad.

Ghost :Come over to the table and sit.

Kids :Ok.

They sit on the table and waiting for their food to be given.

Kid 1 :Mom! How long is the food done.

Lucia (in the kitchen) :Just a moment sweety.

Kid 1 :Can you do it faster, im starving

Kid 2 :Sis, we can wait for the food to be done.

Kid 3 :We- we have to wait?

Kid 2 :Yes athena, we have to wait.

(This is athena)

(Imagine her personality is a little child and innocent)

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(Imagine her personality is a little child and innocent)

Athena :O-ok

(This is lucia jr.)

Kid 1 :I am patience than alina

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Kid 1 :I am patience than alina.

Alina :No, I am!

(This is alina)

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