Chapter 10

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"Find and Rescue Our Friend's"
May 2, 2062
????, Area S08

Negev and her squad are at a random, when suddenly they got a call from M16A1.

M16A1 (in comms) :Commander? Negev? Come in!

Negev (using radio) :M16, where you guys at! Now the entire Sector S08 is swarming with Ferri, ridiculously strong Ferri! We're almost out, can't wait for you much longer!

M16A1 (in radio) :Sorry, something happened. Negev, Commander, listen, don't worry about the other things. Alchemist's forces just moved out, possibly headed right for you guys.

Negev (using radio) :Huh, come to settle the score from last time? What about you, where are you and SOP II going?

Ghost (in radio) :We got our plans, we should be fine, don't worry.

M16A1 (in radio) :How do you even get in our channel!?

Lucia (in radio) :Just like I said. Tricks from us.

M16A1 (in radio) :.....

Ghost (in radio) :Hey Alena, you better protect the girl's...

Lucia (in radio) :Or we'll kill you.

Alena (in radio) :Don't worry, they'll be fine. Just don't try to threaten me..

Ghost (in radio) :You better be. Ghost out.

Lucia (in radio) :Tell my kid's that we'll be back in a few protect them at all cost commander. Lucia out.

M16A1 (in radio) :You be careful Commander, protect Negev's squad!

Negev :Oi! M16! Oii!!


Ghost :Alright...operation starts.

Lucia :We didn't even know where they are?

M4 sopmod II :She must be around somewhere.

M16A1 :Hmm...any idea where to find them?

Ghost :...Hold up...lemme use this.

Everyone :(?)

Ghost brings out a device again but this time it's different. He clicks it.

Ghost :UAV online.

M16A1 :UAV?

Ghost :Alright...I should find her in the mini map.

Checks mini map on his prosthetic arm.

Ghost :Oh...looks like she's in a abandoned city.

M4 sopmod II :What about the other one?

Ghost :I can't tell who it is. Oh, there are multiple sangvis ferri units in the city.

Lucia :Then let's go now. Before she get's overrun.

Ghost :Right...let's go girl's.

Few Minutes Later.....
Abandoned City, S08

The team arrived at the place where the signal is located. They are sneakily and quietly avoiding SF units as to not waste tine on them.

Ghost :Sh*t, there's a lot of them.

Lucia :Good thing were only avoiding them.

M4 sopmod II :Where is she Ghost?

Ghost :No idea.

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