Chapter 22

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January 11, 2064
Task Force DEFY
Battlefield, ????

Ghost and the other's arrive at Ange's location and uhm... She's gone. Not dead of course.

Ghost :Where in gods name is she!?

AN-94 :She must be hiding right now.

Ghost :Hiding, yeah. No sh*t, but uhm... The place is very quiet as sh*t. She could have heard us by now and just leave out of her hiding spot. I said that long, did I?

AN-94 :...

Lucia :Try contacting her.

Ghost :Let's f*cking try. (Using radio) Ange, this is Ghost. Do you copy me?

No response.

Ghost (using radio) :Ange, do you copy me, over...?

While he contacts Ange, Lucia uses her tablet to check her signal.

Lucia (checking tablet) :Hm... Her signal isn't on the radar.

Ghost :(unuses radio) *sigh*... Damn it. She won't pickup. (Looks to Lucia) Lucia, did you find her in you're tablet?

Lucia :I can't locate her signal.

ST AR-15 :She must have left this place.

Ghost :Great, just f*cking great. How are we gonna find her?

He goes around trying to find some clues on how to find Ange. Meanwhile, Lucia and the other two talk.

AN-94 :How are we gonna find her, AK-12?

Lucia :Hm... Let me think.

ST AR-15 :...

Lucia :If she did left the place, then we just have to find her anyway. That's our only option right now. But where to find her?

The Girl's (thinking) :...

Ghost :Aha!

The Girl's immediately looked at Ghost.

ST AR-15 :Did you found her!?

Ghost :No, but I found a sh*tty clue.

He points at a trail of blood. They looked at the trail of blood.

Lucia :She really did left the place.

AN-94 :Then let's go now. Before her health might worsen.

Ghost :Oh yeah, I forgot about that. C'mon.

ST AR-15 :... You guys go on.

Ghost :What, why?

ST AR-15 :I have my own mission right now.

Ghost :... Well...if you say so. Good luck out there.

ST AR-15 :(nods) you too.

AR-15 left. The others then follow the trail of blood that leads to a bigger city.

Few Minutes Later...
Destroyed City, ????

The Team arrived at the city, they still followed the trail blood of course, which is still more and longer.

Ghost :F*ckin hell mate. She travelled a quite distance.

Lucia :How long are we gonna find her?

Ghost :Until we could reach her and find her, and probably dead on the ground.

He gets bonked harder in the head.

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