Chapter 19

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"Singularity Pt. 1"
January 9, 2064
Main SF Base, Area S0

Ghost helps Lucia up. While AR-15 is looking at the of M4 right now.

Lucia :You're stupid Ghost.

Ghost :What? What did I do this time!?

Lucia :You could have use the medkit, instead of patching me manually.

Ghost tries to say a word but stops.

Ghost :Good point.

Lucia :(disappointed)... So what now?

Ghost :Let's regroup with AR-15, so we can get out of this hell hole.

They regroup with AR-15 and discuss on what to do.

Ghost :Let's get out of here AR-15. And bring M4 with us, her situation is in sh*t right now.

AR-15 :Alright. But M4 will still get angry at you, probably will kill you.

Ghost :*sigh* don't worry, i'll be okay.

AR-15 :... Let's go now.

She carries M4 on her back and they walk out of the place.

Ghost :I'll inform Ange that we safely retrieved M4.

AR-15 :Ok, go ahead.

Lucia :Wait, you're with Ange!?

Ghost :Yeah.

Lucia :You know her!?

Ghost :We've at a bar before this sh*t happened.

He looks at Lucia and sees her face angry.

Ghost :Relax, we're not dating alright.

Lucia :Hm... Humph (looks away).

Ghost :Bruh. Alright alright. I need to call Ange right now.

He contacts Ange through his radio.

Ghost (using radio) :Ange, Ghost here. We have M4 right now, and she's f*cked up. Sop II is missing RO is... Gone.

Angelia (in radio) :... Roger. Bring her to the 2nd safe house, you should find some parts and things use to fix her with it.

*(in radio) BANG!*

Ghost (in radio) :Roger, we'll be there then. (in radio: BANG BANG) Why the f*ck am I hearing gunshots!? The hell are you!?

Angelia (in radio) :Im on a mission right now with AN-94.

Ghost (using radio) :Do you need assistance right now?

Angelia (in radio) :Were good, the situation is under control. You should go already before she gets worse.

Ghost (using radio) :... Roger. But Luci- I mean, 12 is here right now. Do you wanna talk to her?

Angelia (in radio) :... Not now Ghost. I'll talk to her later, just give her my regards. Angelia out.

Ghost :Alright. (to Lucia) Ange said hi to you.

Lucia :You didn't said hi back to her?

Ghost :Nope.


M4 suddenly wakes up, a little dizzy, looks around and surprised to see AR-15 carrying her.

M4A1 (a little dizzy) :AR...15?

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