Chapter 14

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Reminder: Ghost always brings the black case with him even not on mission's except when he specifically spends time with Lucia and the Kid's inside a room or sleeping.

Now back To The Story


"M16..., An Offer & Meeting A Comrade Of Lucia"
March 8, 2063
G&K Base, S02

In The Cafeteria.....

Ghost and the other's are eating as usual. When suddenly, Kalina calls out for Ghost in a hurry.

Kalina :Ghost! Ghost!

Ghost :(swallows food) Yes Kalina?

Kalina :You need to go to Griffin control immediately!

Ghost :What, why?

Kalina :M16 and the other's are in trouble!

Everyone in the cafeteria stopped eating.

Lucia and Kids :(!)

Ghost :What!? Come on then!

Lucia :Stay safe Ghost!

They both leave the cafeteria and unto the griffin control.

In the Griffin Control.....

Alena is taking a sh- ahem, I mean looking at the screens and analyzing the situation.

Alena :Hmm...

The two then arrive inside the room.

Ghost :Ok, what is the situation this time Alena!?

Alena :Ghost! The situation on M16 and the other's are different from the one's back at S05.

Ghost :Just get to the point mate!

Alena :The team are pinned down by enemy forces, and they have no way of exfil.

Ghost :What!? Shouldn't you just send a helicopter in there position!?

Alena :That's also a problem... The pilot's are very busy by the mean time.

Ghost :What!? Where are they, taking a sh*t!?

Alena :Well uhm, they're taking a break they say...

Ghost :Damn bastards, I will kill them... Give me the key's for a helicopter. I'll fly it.

Alena :Wait. But can you even fly--

Ghost :Hey! Im certified for a helicopter.

Alena :... Alright. Kalina give him a key.

Kalina :Yes commander!

She goes to find the key's and finds it inside the drawer, she runs back to Ghost.

Kalina :Here (throws keys).

Ghost :Thanks...

Kalina :You're helicopter is at helipad 3!

He runs out of the room and into the helipads to fly the helicopter towards its destination.

Few Minutes Later.....
In The Air,

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