Chapter 13

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"Apologize... & Mission"
March 4 , 2063
G&K Base, Area S02

Ten months after the operation in S05 and two months after the AR Team got lost during a mission. Ghost was given very small mission's, since he goes against the detention. But Persica talked it out with mr Kryuger.

In the Cafeteria.....

Ghost :(face on table) *murmur*

Lucia :Eat you're food before it gets cold.

Ghost :(raises head) I don't know Lucia. I never gotten into a mission now, since the past 10 months.

Lucia :Well, atleast Persica is giving as the mission's now.

Ghost :Yeah, but there all boring as hell... (bonk) gah! What the hell!?

Lucia :You always think of dangerous mission's instead of a much safer mission.

Ghost :Yeah it's because it's much more action and fun (looks at the kids), right kids?

Lucia Jr. :Yeah, it has more action than scouting missions!

Alina :I agree on sister on that one.

Athena :Da- dad is so cool!

The three of them get bonked.

Kid's :Aww.....

Lucia :Ghost, what did you taught them?...

Ghost :They are taught on how to be cool--

Scene suddenly changes to Ghost in a wall.

Ghost :Ah...ah...ah...

Lucia :...why are you sometimes stupid when it comes to that.

Ghost get's out of the wall.

Ghost :It's not stupid to teach the Girl's on how to be cool.

Lucia :.....

Two T-doll's suddenly approach them with a tray of food on their hand.

K11 :Miss Lucia, can we sit with you?

Lucia :Sure--

Ghost :No you're fat asses wont fi--

Again, his in the wall.

Lucia :Hmm...

The T-doll's :ehe...

Lucia :Anyway. You can sit here.

K11 :Thank you.

They sit down.

Type 03 :So how you all doing?

Lucia :Great, where actually good here. But Ghost isn't.

K11 he still bored, without doing a mission?

Lucia :Yup.

Type 03 :Ohh...

Ghost :No sh*t.

He gets off again and goes back to his seat.

Ghost :I get very bored when I don't do sh*t.

Type 03 :Well, what are you gonna do then now?

Ghost :I don't know, kill time?

K11 :You should visit M4 at the labs. And talk to her.

Ghost :Hmm...I never visited her, ever since the incident.

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