Chapter 12

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"Message & AR Team In Danger"
May 10, 2062
G&K Base, Area S05

Ghost is currently sitting at a table taking a sip of tea.

Ghost (british accent) :(sip) ahh...what a wonderful tea aye (sip). I wonder what Alena is doing right now (sip). Probably on patrol mission's.

Suddenly, Kalina approached Ghost and inform him something.

Kalina :Mister Ghost?

Ghost (british accent) :Ahh, Kalina...want some tea?

Kalina :No thank you, im good.

Ghost :Suit yourself (sip).

Kalina :There is something I wan't to give you mister Ghost.

Ghost :(sip) what would that be? An extended detention?

Kalina :No, it's not about you're detention! There is a recorded message sent by AR Team.

Ghost :A recorded message? (puts tea on the table). Gimme that then.

She gives him the recorder and he plays it.


M16A1 (recorder) :Hey Ghost! Its me, M16. You maybe wondering why we gave you a recording message instead of a actual call. Well, there is some circumstances that we aren't allowed to do. So...we are doing well and fine here as you can hear. We also didn't get any mission like you. And Sop II want's to say something to you.

Sop II can be heard taking away the recorder from M16.

M16A1 (recorder) :Oii Sop II! You shouldn't just grab it from me. Without being patience.

M4 sopmod II (recorder) :I wan't to say something to Ghost right now. Ghost, if you are hearing this. Are you fine in there!? Is you're arm damage or something!? (bonk)

M16A1 (recorder) :Now, that's now how you say you're concerns.

Ghost :Ohh...

M4 sopmod II (recorder) :Aw... That was my concern to him, M16!

M16A1 (recorder) :Hmm... Anyway, are you all safe and fine there Ghost. If so...good. Oh and also M4 want's to say something to you.

She can be heard talking to M4.

M16A1 (recorder) *low voice* :Hey M4. Say something Ghost.

M4A1 (recorder) :.....

M16A1 (recorder) *low voice* :C'mon M4... I know you have something to say to Ghost.

M4A1 (recorder) :...are you...fine Ghost...

Ghost was very happy to hear M4. But he changes expression into sadness.

M16A1 (recorder) :...hear that Ghost! She is concern right now about you.

Ghost :.....

M16A1 (recorder) :That is all we have to say to you Ghost. So, bye Ghost.

M4 sopmod II (recorder) :Ba-bye Ghost, tell the kid's i'll play with them next time!

M4A1 (recorder) :.....

Recorder End.....

Ghost :.....

Ghost is still upset about he heard from M4.

Kalina :Cheer up Ghost. M4 was concern about you.

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