Chapter 18

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10 months in hiding from the authorities.....

"Defy Team"
January 8, 2064
Bar At Berlin, Germany

Ghost has been in hiding for the last 10 months, like how the f*ck is he still not caught. Damn. Right now he's drinking at a bar and his looks is the 2nd outfit. Of course its to disguise himself, since no one knows him yet in this outfit.

 Of course its to disguise himself, since no one knows him yet in this outfit

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(Its all in black)

Ghost :Bastards. (drinks)

Bartender :Are you still mad or upset about the incident?

Ghost :Yeah, im still f*cked about it. Like I can't get it off my mind. Plus I don't even know what happened to my family now.

Bartender :... Im sure they're fine Mister.

Ghost :Why are you still not reporting me to the authorities, Bartender?

Bartender :I just hate the governments.

Ghost were the same then.

Bartender :And I still believe that you were set up.

Ghost :Why do you easily believe, that it was a set up?

Bartender :The Russian army has always been troubling other countries such as this.

Ghost :Damn. They really are a bunch of dicks.

Bartender :Want a second?

Ghost :Im good now.

Bartender :Alright then.

*Door Opens*

Someone entered the bar and it's Angelia, who suddenly smirk for some reason.

Angelia (mind) :*There he is*

She approaches Ghost and ask.

Angelia :Hello again Ghost.

Ghost :(in mind) *Uh oh, they found me* (back to reality) what are you doing here Angelia? Are you here to arrest me or sh*t, aye?

Angelia :No im not here arrest you. I wan't to--

Ghost :So you wanna kill me then?

Angelia :What!? No! That's not wha--

Ghost suddenly attacks her with a kick, but dodges it.

Angelia :Wait! Listen to me!

Ghost :I got nothing to listen to you.

Angelia :I just wanted to--

She suddenly get's hit in the face, which she stumbled on the floor.

Angelia :(thud). Aww...

She touches her nose and it is bleeding a little.

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