Chapter 16

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March 13, 2063
G&K HQ, S08

Ghost is having a tea with Kryuger in a room with a big window to see the outside base.

Ghost :(sips) wonderful.

Kryuger :You liked the tea Ghost?

Ghost :Pretty much mate. (sips) By the way. What kind of favor did I gave you? I don't remember giving you a favor.

Kryuger :(sips) Did you remember about the rescue of AR Team?

Ghost :(sips) no.

Kryuger :The one that you... Left M16 behind.

Ghost :Hmm... Please don't remind me that.

Kryuger :Oh im sorry, I thought you wouldn't remember that.

Ghost :... Nah its fine.

Kryuger :...

Helian suddenly enters the room and hands over a file to Kryuger.

Helian :Sir. This is from the officials.

Kryuger :Ahh, thank you Helian.

Ghost :Yoo what up sunflower. Wanna join us?

Helian (nervous) :N- n- sorry, I have some things to do.

She immediately left the room in a hurry.

Ghost :*whistle* what's with her? I just called her sunflower and invited her, damn.

Kryuger :Its probably because of her status as a single, woman.

Ghost :What?

Kryuger :She didn't marry or liked anyone.

Ghost :Hmm...? Why? Is it about her...age?

Kryuger :Yes you could say that.

Ghost :Hmm...meh. Let's continue enjoying our tea for now. Cause I got some things to do back at base.

Kryuger :Very well then.

They continued drinking their tea and again talk about sh*ts.

Few Hours Later.....
Outside HQ Base, S08

Ghost :(walking)

When he arrived at his vehicle, checks his pocket and...f*ck he forgot the keys.

Ghost :Uh oh. I left my keys back at the office f*ck.

He suddenly hears footsteps coming from behind and turns around to see Helian.

Ghost :(!)

Instead of expecting her to return the keys that he left, he hid behind the vehicle instead.

Ghost (mind) :Why am I hiding?

Helian approaches the vehicle and proceeds to takes out Ghost's key's. She entered and starts the car.

Helian :Im sorry I have to use you're vehicle Ghost.

She drove off towards the-- wait where the f*ck is Ghost? Oh, he is actually behind the vehicle clinging onto it.

Ghost :Sh*t.

Few Minutes Later.....
Berlin, Germany

Ghost has been clinging on the car for about 15 minutes or so and he still holds onto it.

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