Chapter 1

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"Other World"
???? ??, 2062
Cliff, In the middle of the snowy forest

Ghost :What the fuck?

Lucia :Hmm..... (looks around) look's like we are in a forest, but there is no houses or villages here.

Ghost :We should try finding one but first, lets gear up.

Ghost then takes some gears from the back like it came out of nowhere, but there is a particle kinda like a small blue holographic cubes forming.

Lucia :Woah, you're abilities is very useful

Ghost :Yeah, I did learn it back when I was at the mansion, anyway here.

Ghost throws a helmet to lucia and the kids while they also geta vest to protect themselves.

Lucia Jr. :Is this necessary for us dad?

Ghost :Hey, there maybe snipers in this world.

Lucia Jr. :But we don't know if there is one.

Ghost :Yeah exactly.

They then go to the opposite of where they went in search of a village or city they could find.

Few minutes later......
Nearby village, Forest

They found a village after few minutes of walking they found one, but.

Ghost :What the?

The village looks like abandoned, houses taken over by plant life, others are destroyed and they did not see any people or villagers in sight. They then search the village for something they could find.

Ghost :Hmm? (picks up newspaper and reads it) hmm.... what the? 2057, hmm.. Judging by the newspaper looks, its probably old now.

He looks around for a sec.

Ghost :How long was this place destroyed?

Lucia PoV:

Lucia :Hmm... (Looking at a sign), those are russian words. "Pyarovsk" village. Hmm, I think I heard this place before. Distant screaming suddenly erupt.

Lucia :(!)

She runs towards the sound, it come from the house and sees that it was alina screaming in fear. Ghost also came.

Alina :(runs towards lucia) mom there's a dead person inside!

Ghost :Dead person?

Ghost goes in the house readies he's weapon incase if anything attacks, he sees the door on the floor, turns on the flashlight and sees the room where alina saw the dead person inside and sees that there is a dead person two in particular in a bed, with a blanket covering them.

Ghost :What the hell?

He moves closer to inspect and uncovers the blanket, sees the corpses holding their hands at each other.

Ghost :Hmm.... (a little sad of what he see)

Lucia came in, worried what might happen to ghost but stops in her tracks, also seeing the corpses.

Lucia :What the?

The kids are hiding behind lucia and sees the corpses laying on the bed.

Lucia :Kids don't look.

The kids :(looks away)

Lucia goes over to ghost and ask:

Lucia :What happen to the corpse?

Ghost :Hmm.. (inspecting the corpses) it looks like they died naturally or something and there is no wound's on them, like bullets or cuts, but.

Lucia :But?

Ghost :There is one wound on them.

Lucia :You said there was no wound on them.

Ghost :Yes but, this one is a bite mark, look (points on the wounds).

Lucia :What?

Ghost :They may got bitten by some sort of an animal.

Lucia :But the bite marks doesn't look like an animal to me.

Ghost :You're, correct on that one.

Lucia :Unless.

Ghost :(?)

Lucia :They might got bitten by a zombie.

Ghost :Hmm, why?

Lucia :Because, they look like a human bite.

Ghost :Hmm... (looks at the wound) that's actually possible.

Lucia :Why do you agree on my theory?

Ghost :I have experiences on zombies too you know.

Lucia :Oh you been to a zombie apocalypse too?

Ghost :Yeah, it was the good old days (snaps back to reality), anyway we need to find a shelter for us to stay the night, its getting dark now.

Lucia :Yeah you're right, come on kids.

Lucia and the kids left the house first, but stays behind for a while.

Ghost :Hmm.... (puts blanket back to respect them) rest in peace mates.

Lucia (outside) :Hey ghost, come on outside now or were gonna leave you behind!

Ghost :Alright im coming.

Ghost then follows suit with the others.

3 hours later....
Random House, Pyarovsk Village

Looks they already found a place stay temporarily, they are sitting around a lit chimney to keep themselves warm for the night, while also cooking food on it.

Ghost :Hmm... (cooking the food)

Lucia :Never knew that tool gun of yours is also useful. Why didn't we used it back at the mansion?

Ghost :It would just make our lives boring.

Lucia :True.

Ghost :Ok, looks like the food is ready.

Lucia :Look like?

Ghost :Just give me you're plates and bowls.

They put there bowls and plates on a makeshift table.

Ghost :(pouring soup on the bowls)

The Kids :(smelling the food) wow!

Ghost :Now eat up to gain some energy for tomorrow.

The girl's eat their and they were amazed and liked the food.

Alina :It taste great!

Lucia Jr. :You're food is the best dad!

Athena :I- I liked it.

Lucia :What did you put in this ghost?

Ghost :Corpses.

They immediately stop eating their food and lucia well lets just say pissed.

Lucia :Why you! (About to slap ghost)

Ghost :Ahh! Wait wait, its just joke--

He got slap by lucia so hard, that he got sent to another house.

Ghost :ugh.... (feeling dizzy)

Lucia :Humph (looks to the kids) it was just a joke kid's, just eat it up or it gets cold.

The Kids :(frightened by her sudden action) o- ok.

While they continue eating their food, the perspective then zooms out towards the distance and we see G-man standing there, watching as usual.

G-man :(🙂)

Cuts to black.......

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