Chapter 5

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"First Mission, Defend And Rescue"
April 24, 2062
Briefing Room

There in the briefing room are ghost, lucia and commander, per usual ghost is still in his uniform and combat equipments, briefing him the mission he will be given.

Ghost :So where just gonna bloody take some intel, that's all?

Alena :Yes, is there a problem?

Ghost :I expected a mission that is related to destroying sh*ts (bonk), gahh!! What did I said!?

Lucia :You shouldn't think of such dangerous missions, or else you'll die and we'll be sad.

Ghost :Hmm... (😓)

Alena :Well, we might give you a dangerous missions in the near mission.

Ghost :Aha! You see there lucia, she knows my sense of taste...

He looks towards lucia and sees her angry and jealous.

Lucia :(angry and jealous)

Ghost :(looks away and afraid) never mine...

Alena :Ehehe...ahem any way, just take any amount of intel you can get.

Ghost :Why wouldn't you gave this mission to you're t-dolls and even want gave this mission?

Alena :Oh, they're actually on a mission today and for you're second question its from the higher ups, I don't know the reason why but maybe they are trying to test you or something.

Ghost :Ahh... Ok.

Alena :Now then, you're dismiss and prepare yourself in 10 minutes.

Ghost :Ok, our first mission.

After the briefing they go back to their perspective rooms.

Ghost and Lucia entered their room and was greeted by the kids.

Lucia Jr. :Mom dad, how was the briefing?

Lucia :It was going well sweety.

Ghost :Yeah, we'll be going out in 10 minutes or so and while we prepare our stuff for the mission.

Lucia Jr. :Oh 2x, does the mission involved explosions and actions!?

Lucia :No sweety, its just a infiltration mission.

Lucia Jr. :Oww...that's boring.

Lucia :Now 2x, sweety don't say something like that (looks to ghost).

Ghost :(confused) what?

Lucia :Since when did you told her about dangerous things?

Ghost :Uhm...since yesterday.

Lucia :Hmm...(a little angry).

Ghost :Alright we'll that later, let's everything.

Lucia :Humph...right.

Ghost :Jeez

20 minutes later.....
Inside The Helicopter

They're in the helicopter, flying towards there destination which is a sf base.

Ghost :Alright pilot, land us over there (points)

Pilot :But that's to far from the enemy base sir.

Ghost :It will reduce detection...ok.

Pilot :If you say so.

Then the pilot land the helicopter at the designated spot, ghost and lucia got out of the helicopter, then the helicopter flies back up and leaves... they are ready to infiltrate the base.

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