Chapter 9

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"Negev's Squad, AR-15?, Rescue M4 and Find AR-15"
May 2, 2062
Border of T7, Area S08

M16A1 :We're here. This is where a member of Squad Negev sent out the distress signal.

Ghost :This place is quite. Sop check the comms

She test the comms.

M4 sopmod II :Communication signal functioning as usual. We're already connected to the commander's channel.

Ghost :That's good to hear. M4, go on and call alena.

M4 calls the commander.

M4A1 (call) :It has been a while, Commander. Negev's search team entered this zone and lost contact with us 20 minutes ago.

Ghost :Do you have any words from the ringleaders back at S09 lucia?

Lucia :Nope, not a single bit of lead.

Ghost :Weirdly. Alena said that she didn't get any contact from the ringleaders back at the base.

Lucia :Do you think they are doing something wrong back at base.

Ghost :Hmm...I do think their is something wrong with them. If they did something wrong...I will kill them.

M4A1 (call) :Our mission is to rendezvous with this member and determine the situation.

M4 sopmod II (call) :Geez. And here I thought we finally got some help. Turns out they're only dragging us down...

M16A1 (call) :If even Negev ran into trouble, we wouldn't have come off any better if it had been us.
Commander, please help us reach our destination.

Alena (call) :I'll try.

M16A1 (call) :Thanks man.

Ghost joins the call, using his phone.

Ghost (call) :Hey uh, one last thing alena. Is our kid's safe in there? If they aren' gonna kill you.

Alena (call) :Don't worry 2x, they're safe in here.

Ghost (call) :Hmm...better be. Alright we'll be moving out now. Ghost out.

Few Minutes Later.....
Border of T7, Area S08

The Team arrived at the destination.

Galil :Hey! Hey, AR Team! I'm over here!

M4A1 :Relax, Galil. You are safe now.

Ghost :Galil aye?

Galil :Phew... Thanks a bunch. A few more minutes and Sangvis would've got me.

M16A1 :Of all the places you could call for help, you just had to pick an open battlefield full of Sangvis forces...

Galil :Well... Communication with Griffin is jammed where we got ambushed. I ran for ages before I finally found somewhere with signal. It's not like I was spoiled for choice, you know.

Ghost :No shit, but can you explain what exactly happened?

Galil :When we were investigating the base where AR-15 had stayed, Negev noticed a Sangvis Ringleader hiding in ambush. She gestured for me to slip out and call for help while the enemy was still busy deploying her forces. I only realized there was a signal jam when I was running out. God knows what's going on over there now...

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