Chapter 17

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"Secret Mission"
March 16, 2063
Berlin, Germany

Ghost is taking a stroll around Berlin, to ease his mind from all the works that G&K gave him. When he spotted Carter siting at a cafe shop.

Ghost :What the? Carter?

Carter :(sips & notices Ghost) Oh well if it isn't Ghost.

He gestures Ghost to come over and sit with him.

Ghost :...

He walks towards Carter.

Carter :Mister Ghost. Care to have a tea with me?

Ghost :The hell are you doing here without soldier's besides you.

Carter :I just wanted to have a little fun walking around the city. Want a cup of tea?

Ghost :... Damn you reminded me of someone. (Remembers G-man) ugh...

He sits down with Carter and they ordered a cup of tea for Ghost.

Carter :So about the offer. Have you made up you're mind yet?

Ghost :... Not yet.

Carter :Hmm... There has been a change of things though. I wan't you accept this mission mister Ghost.

Ghost :Why?

Carter :The important business we do is about to go on tomorrow.

Ghost :Is this business very important to you?

Carter :That's classified mister Ghost.

Ghost :Hmm...shucks to be you then.

Carter :It is only tomorrow now mister Ghost.

Ghost :What do I get from this? Except the money and sh*ts you said before.

Carter :I will give sone classified information...

Ghost :Bullsh*t (sips).

Carter :About the Sangvis Ferri's.

Ghost :(stop sipping)...interesting. What time should I go?

Carter :19:00 in the evening at an abandoned city in Area S01 (smiles).

Ghost :The f*ck you smiling at?

Tomorrow In The Evening.....
March 17, 2063
Building, Abandoned City

Ghost is inside a building in a prone position  with a silence AX-50 sniper rifle.

Ghost is inside a building in a prone position  with a silence AX-50 sniper rifle

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Looking through the scope and waiting for them to arrive.

Ghost :When are they gonna f*cking arrive? Dammit.

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