Chapter 6

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"Solo Mission & Captured"
April 27, 2062
Briefing Room

Ghost :What the f*ck.

Alena :Now 2x, this is from the higher ups though.

Ghost :F*ck you're higher up.

Alena :Im sorry but it is what it is.

Ghost :Hmm... (😑).

Alena :Now prep up for the mission at 10:00, dismissed.

After the briefing he left the room and goes to lucia to tell her about the mission.

Inside the room

Lucia is preparing the equipments for ghost to use for this mission.

Lucia :Why did the commander only give you the mission anyway?

Ghost :She said that her higher ups got interested on us, so they give me a solo see if im capable of this.

Lucia :Hmm...I see then, here's you're equipment though (gives the things).

Ghost :Thank's, i'll be going now.

Lucia :Good luck out there.

Few Hour's Later.....

Ghost is now inside the helicopter getting near the objective.

Ghost :.....

Pilot :Were arriving at the drop off, get ready!

He gets up and get's ready for the helicopter to land. Then a few seconds the chopper lands...hops off and proceeds to go towards his objective.

10 minutes later.....
SF Base Outside

Ghost :(looks around) hmm...seems easy enough to get in.

Ater observing the base layout, he then goes to start his mission.

Inside the base.....

Ghost :(sneaking).....(peaks).....*clear*

He moves through the corridor like a f*cking snake, avoiding the guards as he moves. He passes by a door that has a label on it that said "Keep Out".

Ghost :Ohh...interesting door.

He opens it and enters. The inside was so dark he can't even see sh*t.

Ghost :Damn it...why do I always find dark rooms. (turns on flashlight).

Looks around and sees a lot of weapons and other stuff.

Ghost :Ohh...that's a lot of weapons.

He picks up a weapon and inspects it.

Ghost :What are they even trying to do with this many weapons...are they going to war or some sh*t.

Puts the weapon back in the box and goes around looking at the other stuff.

Ghost :Didn't know this sangvis organization has a lot of weapons. Hmm?

He notices a room that has no sign or whatsoever.

Ghost :That room looks different and its separate from this room.

He enters the room, curious of what lies inside.

Ghost :My curiosity might kill me.

When he got a look inside, he was surprised to see a t-doll(?) inside a glass container.

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