Chapter 7

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"Escape, Lucia's Meeting & Main
G&K Base Under Attack"
April 27, 2062
Unknown Room, SF Base

In an unknown room. Ghost opens his eyes and sees that he is tied down with a chain hanging upside down.

Ghost :What the!? Where am I!? Why the f*ck, am I hanged like this!?

He spins around slowly.

Ghost :And where the hell is AWM?

Then someone entered the room, but he can't see who it was since his still spinning.

Ghost :Hmm? Someone there?

Woman ? :You have been patiently waiting.

Ghost then spins around to see who it was, and it is a woman dressed in a maid outfit.

Ghost then spins around to see who it was, and it is a woman dressed in a maid outfit

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Ghost :How the f*ck am I even patient. I was out like a few minutes ago. The word patient on me is very f*cked.

Woman ?'ve unconscious for few hours.

Ghost*t I really need a doctor right now.

Woman ? :Enough of that, now shall we begin the interrogation.

Ghost :F*ck you woman.

Woman ? :Now...are you the one captured three ringleaders.

Ghost :No, I f*cked them.

Woman ? :You're a funny clown, aren't you.

Ghost :Kiss my *ss.

The woman slaps him in the face and he spun around.

Woman ? :Now who do you work for? The Griffins or a different military group.

Ghost :Well I work for you're mom.

Woman slaps him again.

Ghost :Aww.....

Woman ? :Wrong answer. Now...again who do you work for and what was you're objective here?

Ghost :F*ck you!

Woman ? :If you don't answer me human...then i'll kill that t-doll of yours.

Ghost :(!) You better not do anything to her, bitch.

Woman ? :Oh I will, if you answer me.

Ghost :Hm...fine, I work for the task force 606, I am employed as a mercenary for G&K.

Woman ? :And what was you're objective here?

Ghost :To infiltrate that's all.

Woman ? :Hmm...very well then.

She then walks away and was about to leave the room.

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