Chapter 15

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"Squad 404"
March 10, 2063
Training Room, Base S02

Ghost is at the training room with the 3 ringleaders, AWM and his family.

Lucia Jr. :Here I go! Prepare yourself Alchemist

She rush towards alchemist with a wooden melee weapon.

Lucia Jr. :Hayah! (swings weapon)

Alchemist :Nope. (moves aside)

Jr. misses her and stumbles on the ground.

Lucia Jr. :Aww...

Alchemist :You need to be faster than that.

Lucia Jr. :Not fair! This is just a training.

Alchemist :You need to be very serious, even in training.

Lucia Jr. :Hmm... Then...take this!

She gets up and swings at Alchemist again.

Alchemist :(dodge) still slow.

Lucia Jr. :Hyah!; Hah!; Gah!

Lucia :(smiles) she's still confident to her skills as usual.

Ghost :Hm. Yeah, just like you.

Lucia bonks Ghost.

Ghost :(bonked) aw!

Lucia :Hm...

Ghost :Jesus it was a joke okay! Aren't you supposed to be proud or something. (bonked) aw! Ok i'll stop.

Lucia :Humph.

Ghost :Hmm... At least Alchemist is doing good and not doing anything bad or sh*t.

Lucia :Yeah... Was you're decision right.

Ghost :Kinda. (looks at alina) look at Alina.

Lucia :(looks at alina)

Ghost :She's getting trained by Gager huh.

Lucia :Yeah, like look at her.

PoV Change To Alina.....

Gager :Now. You ready miss Alina?

Alina :Im ready sister Gager.

Gager :Then. Here I go!

She charges at Alina with her melee weapon.

Alina :(!) (dodges)

Again tries to charge at Alina, but she dodged her again

Gager :Hoo... You're dodging speed is fast.

Alina :(smug) thanks for the compliment.

Gager :But can you keep with me.

Alina :(!)

Gager charges at her at full speed and Alina dodges her attack.

Back To Ghost.....

Ghost :Hm. She's getting faster as of now.

Lucia :Yeah. Not faster than you?

Ghost :Still not.

He looks down behind him.

Ghost :Athena? Why are you not training with them?

Athena she is very scary... (points at Architect)

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