Chapter 20

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"Singularity Pt. 2"
January 9, 2064
Task Force Defy
Safehouse, ???

Ghost is lying his head on Lucia's lap, waiting for any missions. Then Ange came into the room and she's on a call with someone. Probably giving a mission for them.

Angelia (on call) :Right, orders received.

Ghost :(raises arms) Finally!

Angelia (on call) :Yes, we'll get it done by tonight. The night is very handy for hiding us.

Ghost :Oh..a stealth mission aye.

Angelia (on radio) :Yes. We will definitely stop the Military from taking Mastermind. Definitely.

The call ends.

Angelia :Members of Task Force Defy, we've got a new job.

Ghost :Finally we've got some action. This better be a good one though, and dange--

He gets bonked by Lucia as usual.

Lucia :Don't even think about saying it.

Ghost :Ok...

Angelia :First off, you're the team leader, M4A1.

Ghost :Hm?

He looks at M4A1, waiting for her response.

M4A1 :Eh? Me?

Angelia :You're the most experienced commander. I trust you.

Ghost :I don't wanna brag about it, but I'm also an experienced commander...But she will do.

They looked at him with a blank faces.

Ghost :What?

M4A1 :...

She glances at AR-15, who nods. Then she looks back to Ange.

M4A1 :I understand. I will lead everyone in completing the mission.

Lucia :Looking forward to tour performance on this Team, new leader.

ST AR-15 :Well, someone's sitting back and watching the fireworks.

Lucia :Might as well take the opportunity to see how our seniors do things on our Team. Right, AN-94?

AN-94 :Yes... Welcome, Miss M4A1.

Ghost :That's about all sh*t. (Looks at Ange) what's the plan Ange?

Angelia :Right, for you're orders. The Military's current objective is very clear-cut - they want the Sangvis Ferri Mastermind.

Ghost :(villager noise: Hm...)

Angelia :The objective of this operation is to stop them, and then to figure out why they want to do this.

Lucia :In any case, we're going to be throwing monkey wrench into the Military's plans, right?

Ghost :That's "DEFY" for you mates...

Angelia :Your current mission is to infiltrate a military-controlled transmissions repeater station. After taking it over by force, Lucia and Ghost will do the hacking.

Ghost :Is this to further eavesdrop on the Military?

Angelia :Correct Ghost.

Ghost :Roger then.

Lucia :Acknowledged.

AN-94 :Will you be alright by yourself over here, Miss Ange?

Angelia :I won't be taking part in my direct combat on my end, so don't worry.

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