Not Alone

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Kuriza POV:

I sat solitarily on the frigid stony step in front of one of my people's buildings. My mind, along with my emotions, was shattered by the latest news I received from a messenger. I was the last one in my bloodline alive. Though I heard it a little while ago, I couldn't accept or cope with it any better. When a cool breeze crossed my face, I began to tear up against drug every muscle tensed up at once. Being the final member made me feel like I could be next, an easy target, and even worse... Everyone I knew or cared about was gone. I was all alone now.

Or so I had thought.

"May I sit here?" An airy voice asked softly. I lifted my head enough from my knees to see who was talking. Surely it couldn't be directed to me. But it was. A female of our kind not much older than myself pointed to a spot on the steps next to me. Without moving my head any further out, my tail uncurled from around my legs and pat the spot to tell her she could. I buried my face back into my knees and tried to compose myself like the prince I could've been.

The tears refused to stop flowing and the harder I fought against them the more they'd pour out. My frustrations mounted until..

"I know what you're going through. You don't have to hide your pain." She cooed. I felt something wrap around me but before I could register what was happening, I was weeping a waterfall in her chest. "Do you feel any better?" She asked me in a somewhat soothing tone. I gave her a weak nod and tried to smile to show appreciation for her kindness. "Good. I couldn't stand watching you suffer by yourself. Especially like the way I have." She let go of me and stood up, staring off into the distance. I stood as well.

"What do you mean?" I questioned curiously while drying my eyes with my arm.

"Losing your family and anyone around you. It hurts and sometimes it feels like you're alone and no one else cares or understands. A bit of background for you; my parents are dead also. So is my older sister. Just remember you are never alone." She turned around and fled. I was too surprised to give chase and it seemed like it was a touchy subject for the female to explain to me anyway. Though it did make me feel better in a way. I noticed the sky was darkening as if it were about to downpour so I retreated to my home in haste.

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