Unwanted Encounter

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Solstice POV:

"Auroras! They're counting on you. Please get up!" A voice I'd never forget pleaded me.

"I told you before, Eclipse. My name is Solstice." I replied to the older Frost Demon beside me.

"Oh good grief." She shook her head. "Whatever you call yourself doesn't quite matter right now. Your friends are in danger as we speak. So do you want to stay here and chitchat or do you want to spring into action?"

"You're right, Eclipse. How would I-" I held out the 'i' part in a questioning tone.

"I'll help you there." She smirked devilishly, raising a fist. Before I could protest, I was jolted awake. My jaw ached from the experience.

"Oh hi Kuriza! What's going on?" I greeted, not registering his look of utter horror.

"H-h-him!" He shakily pointed behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and realized we had an unwanted encounter.

"You! You're the ones who escaped and blew our ship to smithereens!" The pink blob leader shouted in pure rage. His cape and outfit were tattered and he was scorched all over. I backed up and guided Kuriza behind me, draping my tail around him.

"I'm surprised you survived that." I absentmindedly gloated, trying to look intimidating and baring my sharp fangs.

"This is why we forbid your kind from spreading! All you space lizards do is blow stuff up!"

"I told you before that we aren't space lizards. Need I remind you what I really am?" I growled. He let out a rumbling cackle prior to composing himself.

"You aren't part of any respectable race." He mocked, then spat a chunk of thick slime my way. I was about to deflect it when Kuriza rushed to block me. It made a sickening splatter against his scales.

"Kuriza, why?" I gasped dramatically.

"I had a debt to pay. Now it's paid." He spoke weakly, closing his ruby red eyes. My sorrow shifted to fury as I glowered at the Majin before me, a death stare being shot his way.

"What was that!?" I interrogated, tail thrashing. He heartily laughed again.

"That was my specialty. Not many other Majins can hock up that deadly compound right there."

"That's gross! You're gross! Stop acting gross!" I clenched my fists and teeth hard.

"You have to act fast. Your friend's time is ticking. It's a matter of time before that toxic mixture saps away his strength and soon his life."

"I'll murder you!" I blindly charged at him and whipped my tail, but to my surprise, he caught me by the wriggling limb.

"Yeah. Not likely." He scoffed, flinging me into some trees after whirling me around in a circle by my tail.

"Psst! Solstice!" Breezy whisper-hissed from the top of a tree in front of me. I looked up after squinting in pain. "We'll handle him from here. You help Kuriza."


"Don't argue. Just do it." I frowned but either way Breezy was going to follow her own plan.

"You said you're a proud race? Look at you. You're on the ground, barely clinging to life, all from a reversal from me. I didn't even use any ki yet!" He bragged over me. He abruptly disappeared from sight and was replaced by Breezy and Ocarina. "Why you little!"

"Go! We have him!" Ocarina ordered. As I stood up, he seemed to smile just enough that I could see.

"Thanks you two." I said, running off toward the downed Kuriza. I silently prayed he'd be alive.

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