Cold Family Merger: Reunion

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Frieza POV:

I reveled in startling that Solstice character. She burst upward and to her feet while shooting daggers at me with her eyes. Those cursed blue eyes. Then I noticed in her arms she cradled two puny infants tightly to her body as if she were protecting them.

"I've finally found you!" I announced, proud of my achievement.

"Frieza!? About that time in Hell, I didn't mean any of that! I was just a child!" She slowly backed up as I advanced.

"You embarrassed me back then. I'll embarrass you now! You'll know the pain I've suffered due to you!"

"That's enough, father!" Someone shouted bravely a few feet away. Oh no, not him. I'm not in the mood to deal with him. Not yet anyway.

"My, my, aren't you courageous!" I teased, watching as my son, Kuriza, dared to stand before me.

"Don't mock me, father. I didn't wish you back to life just so you can torment my family." He warned, animosity seething in his voice. So my suspicions were true all along! How dare my own flesh and blood rebel against me for some common space scum! After giving that foolish brat a taste of his punishment yet to come, eye lasers of course, I returned to that she demon. I loved how she trembled in terror when I cast an evil gaze her way. This was going to be quite enjoyable...on my end...

Borealis POV:

Mother hugged us close to her tremoring form as that bad man closed in on her. I peeked up to see him roughly lift her chin up with his hand, forcing her to meet his eyes. I tried my best to stifle an oncoming series of whimpers welling up in my throat but a few sounds escaped despite my attempt.

"Don't worry little one. I assure you that when I'm through with her, you're next and you'll have a quick and painless end." He chuckled darkly to me.

"Leave my son alone," Mother warned within a menacing but shaky growl. He merely shrugged it off and returned to her.

"You're in no position to make demands or threats." With that, he swiftly punched her in the gut followed by wrapping his white tail around her and squeezing. She pushed my sister and I out of the way of his attacks prior to her being constricted. 'What should I do? What CAN I do?'

"F-Frieza p-p-please!" She pleaded breathlessly.

"You can't escape this t-" He began to gloat but was struck by father. It didn't do much, but it gave mother a chance and it caught this Frieza guy's attention. I couldn't tell who was angrier; father or Frieza. "Ow! Son of a!" Frieza jumped up and let loose a barrage of lightning fast kicks. Father blocked every single one and smacked him hard with his tail, sending him skidding in the dirt. By now his hold on mother was loosened and she freed herself. I thought she'd spring into action with father, but it was no good. The moment she got out of his grip, she collapsed on her stomach and sputtered out blood. 'Mother, what's wrong? We need you!' I thought, rushing to her side. I looked to Aurora, who seemed grumpier than usual and not scared at all. She was clenching her teeth and her fists and her tail was pounding the ground. I watched as she zipped straight at Frieza, who had both father's arms pinned. They were both screaming and shrouded by light. It was very strange. She must've assumed she could attack Frieza then, but the minute she was close enough to him, bam! He clocked her with his tail. She fell back and began to cry. 'That's it! No one messes with MY family!'

Frieza POV:

Kuriza's anger amused me. He didn't like his brat getting flung to the ground as much as I did. It serves her right for blindly charging into a fight that isn't even her own. Though I do applaud her mixture of courage and stupidity. After bashing some sense into Kuriza, I decided to toy with the small one, if only to shut her up. Her wailing was giving me a migraine. I teleported above the petite being and put my foot down. Literally.

"This reminds me of that other nuisance; that monkey child. Hopefully you'll be an easier nut to crack." I smirked, applying more and more pressure on her head. It was only a matter of time before...

Borealis POV:

Frieza's back was facing me and his tail was swaying slowly, so I knew this was likely my only chance. I released my pent up rage and rammed him square in the spine. I refused to let up as I delivered blow after blow with all of my force, all the while shouting like a banshee. I was glad that my tactic worked for a while. I soon tired myself out and that gave him an opening. He vanished from in front of me, most likely aiming behind me. I turned in time to witness him crash into me and pin me to the ground. I squirmed and struggled but could not get away. He had me where he wanted me.

"Why are my descendants so foolish?" He yelled in exasperation. He raised his fist, readying a punch that could potentially finish me off. "AGH! What the Hell?" He flinched. He snaked his tail into his line of vision and found my sister clamped onto it, biting hard enough to draw blood. He attempted to shake her off in a violent manner but just couldn't pry her.

"That's my girl.." I heard father murmur weakly from a few feet away. "And my boy..." He added, looking at me. I wanted to race over to him and hug him but every cell in my body was practically screeching in pain. I definitely must've broken something because even my bones ached. When I snapped back to reality, I spotted Aurora in Frieza's grasp, mostly her neck. He was choking her and she was slowly dying. At least she bit his tail off. 'Gross. It's still squiggling.' I thought, looking down at the limb in a small puddle of purple blood.

Frieza POV:

"YOUUU!" I fumed, outraged over the loss of my tail. Why does EVERYONE always go for the tail?! I was ready to finish this whole ordeal and kill off these pests for their insolence. Right when I was preparing to end the small one's life, something stopped me. What a surprise. I turned my head to see what madness was going on this time. It was..

"C-Cooler!? Wha-" I stuttered as my eyes widened in surprise. How did he get here and why? He was asleep by a tree!

"I think you've taken this way too far." He commented, still restraining me.

"Why do you care? And how did you know?" He didn't reply other than a serious "Hmf." I glanced behind him and found that damned Solstice hovering, caked in blood and dirt and covered in bruises and scars. "You little-" I lunged at her but again Cooler interfered. "Why?! Why are you protecting them? Why are you protecting her!?" I demanded to know. This was making less sense every minute.

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