The Guardian

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I forced the dream in the back of my mind as I strolled along the path to one of our parks. Unlike the previous day, it was bright and sunny but the smell of salty rain lingered. I passed a few other Frost Demons before someone in particular caught my attention. On a wooden bench sat the female from yesterday. I rushed over to her and planned to properly thank her for what she did now that I was in my right mind.

"Hello. Remember me?" I started, grinning. She looked up at me since I was levitating, and she too smiled.

"Of course I remember you. Here, sit." She shifted to the side and gave me a spot on the bench. "Sorry about storming off. It's just that I don't always like to talk about all that depressing stuff. There's so much more than that, like how beautiful this day is. Look at that sun." I found her awkward but I went along with it. She wasn't wrong.

"Yes. Oh how rude of me. I never introduced myself. I'm Kuriza Cold. Who are you?" I bowed politely, one arm behind my back and the other horizontally across my chest.

"I don't have a name. My parents died before they could give me one." She deadpanned. I could almost sense the bitterness flickering in her cyan eyes. She noticed me staring and cast her vision down to the cobblestone pavement before us.

"May I call you Solstice?" I suggested and her head whipped back to look at me. Her eyes sparkled at the idea. The name just seemed to fit her.

"I'd like that! I'd like that a lot. Thanks." She cleared her throat and we sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds. "So what are you doing out here?"

"Just taking a walk to clear my head."

"That's what I do after I have nightmares." My irises shrank in surprise at her statement but I quickly fixed them before she could realize it. "Wait a second. You said your name is Kuriza. Aren't you related to the royal Cold family by any coincidence?" She nonchalantly inquired.

"Yes I am. Or I was, when they were alive." I frowned but tried to hide my sorrow. My facade didn't work so well.

"That's great! Not that they died, I mean that you're, like, a prince or king or something." She responded quietly as she went on. Her goofiness definitely cheered me up. She was okay.

"I'd best return home. It was quite pleasant making your acquaintance again, Solstice." I turned around and started to hover back to my cave when she called me back.

"Wait Kuriza!"


"This might sound asinine of me but listen. We both have goals in our lives, right?" I nodded, gesturing her to continue. "And both of our bloodlines are endangered, yes? Well I was hoping you, being the son of royalty and all, would help me with my mission and I'll help you with yours. Do we have a deal?"

"I suppose so. I don't exactly have a mission yet, but I'd gladly assist with yours. What is it?"

"Just to redeem our race. No offense but because of Lord Frieza, everyone else in this galaxy seems to either fear our kind or hate us. I don't like either option. That's why I want them all to see we aren't all pure evil, malicious, greedy demons." When she finished speaking, something in my brain clicked and I had an idea.

"That just reminded me I do have a mission! So I had this vivid dream last night. All my family and then some were in this rocky pit and they kept mentioning these objects called 'Dragon Balls'. They told me to wish them back to life by using the things."

"Do you think my family can be brought back too?"

"We can try! We can bring both our kin back and redeem our people!" I decreed, tail wagging joyously behind me. Solstice was jovial as well, breaking into laughter and all.

"But what's a Dragon Ball?" She asked bluntly.

"I don't have any idea." I shrugged. We both sighed.

"How are we supposed to complete our goals if we have no clue how to start?!"

"I'm positive we can figure it out at my cavern. Let us go at once!" I grabbed her wrist and yanked her behind me while flying as fast as I could. I had a feeling this was going to be a glorious friendship between us.

Raising up a Frost Demon Legacy (A DBZ Kuriza story)Where stories live. Discover now