The Reason Why

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Cooler POV:

Though I gained some satisfaction from completely bewildering my annoying little brother, I still felt that emptiness that nothing could really pull me from.

"You better ANSWER me!" Frieza squealed in his high pitched voice he uses intentionally when he's about to throw a temper tantrum. I didn't quite feel like dealing with him at the moment- or ever. I let out a painfully long sigh and prepared myself to relive this awful memory one more time.

"You want to know so badly?"

"YES! Do tell us about the amazing life of Cooler." Frieza rolled his eyes. The amount of attitude and disrespect this guy was giving off made me really want to deck him one in his little bastard face, but I felt like he'd get his just desserts soon enough and I let it slide for now.

"Then everyone sit down. It was-"

"Err, uncle Cooler, uh, my children are dying, so I'm going to have to sit this one out. To help them, you know?" Kuriza interrupted, gradually standing up. I shook my head and allowed the trio to leave while Solstice and Frieza sat on both sides of me. I went to sit myself but there was something appalling spazzing on the ground and I quickly jolted to my feet.

"What is that?!" I inspected it closer and nearly gagged.

"My bad. That used to be my tail you just sat on." Frieza sounded all too amused for someone who lost a limb. I kicked it away and crouched down.

"Any more interruptions?" I glanced sharply at both my brother and Solstice, the latter began coughing rather violently. "Are you, umm, okay?"

"J-Just a few broken ribs. I'll be fine in a minute. Please, go on." She gestured with a small hand. Solstice really never changed since the last time I've seen her.

"Frieza, remember when I moved out?"

"You mean father chased you away and called you a disappointment to the bloodline? Yes."

"After I left, I set up my own system. You know, henchmen, planets, all that good business. I was about to take over one planet- I think it was Shimo or what not, I can't remember the name. My henchmen scoured and dominated most of the land. Nothing could stop me, or so I thought. My weakness came in the form of a young-ish female.."

"Eclipse?! My sister! That was you, Cooler?!" Solstice gasped then started coughing again. Surprisingly, Frieza tried to help her stop.

"Yes it was."

"Let me see if I'm following. You dated her sister?" Frieza pieced the story together.

"Correct. I won't go into detail, but when I look at you, Solstice, I see a bit of her. Not to make this awkward or anything." I said, looking into those captivating cyan eyes.

"This just got really weird." Frieza narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"That's why when Solstice limped over to me, as beaten and battered as she was, and asked me for my help, I had to get involved." I finished, regretting I even bothered telling them.

"Wait a second...I just noticed something." Solstice snapped her fingers, catching our attention. "In a vision, my sister told me-"

"Your sister is dead, Solstice." I corrected her before she'd continue whatever thought she had.

"I said IN A VISION. Eclipse told me that my real home planet was Shimo. And right after my birth, my parents were killed by invaders. Did YOU have anything to do with that, Cooler?"

Frieza POV:

'Hmm, I should really listen to what's going on right now. Then again, I hate them both. Wait, hold on now. I was taking over planet Shimo! Cooler was there too? I swear if he was the reason I lost so many soldiers and HALF MY SHIP, I'm going to lose it. Why are we all buddy buddy now anyway? I was about to kill all of them then he steps in and steals my spotlight! How dare he!'

Solstice POV:

"Well, I'm glad she died before being stuck with a sad excuse like you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs at the purple Frost Demon. I shot upwards and stomped off in a random direction.

"Running away again? Fine then! That's the only reason you're even alive! Go run to your perfect life, cowardly scumbag!"

"What just happened? Cooler?" Frieza snapped back and watched as I left them there. I don't know where I was going, but anywhere was better than with that lying purple freak and his murderous brother.

As I muttered angrily to myself, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and collided straight into something solid.

"Stupid tree!" I spat, kicking it as hard as I could muster.

"I'm no tree. And I'm far from stupid." A voice from the pitch black object I hit startled me. I froze up as a pair of pink eyes stared down at me.

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