Botch the Planet!

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When the chaos couldn't get any more out of control, all the Saiyans started to scream at once. 'They must be transforming', I thought to myself.

"Kuriza, Ocarina, Breezy... If this is our final battle, then let's give it our all. Don't hold back. Do anything it takes to survive, then worry about winning. Understand?"

"Right." They responded with a nod. We all stood in a fighting stance, ready for whatever may happen.

Frieza POV:

'Dammit! She can't be gone! I didn't even get to use my newest form!'

"Lord Frieza, that Frost Demon is nowhere in sight." Zarbon reported to me as I floated in the air.

"Search harder, Zarbon."

"Frieza! Get over here!" My father boomed. I hurriedly flew toward his voice.

"What is it? Did you find her?" I asked my father, who stood beside an injured guard and Cooler.

"The guard informed me, ever so kindly, that the Frost Demon, Solstice, has been revived by a wish from-"

'Don't say Dragon Balls, don't say Dragon Balls', "-the Dragon Balls." 'Dammit all!'

"What!? Who did it?" I growled in anger.

"Kuriza." Cooler couldn't wipe that smug grin off his foolish purple face.

"When I get out, I'm going to give him the punishment of a lifetime!"

"So much for our last hope, huh Frieza. Looks like he inherited your impudence." He broke out in a fit of laughter.

"Dad, make Cooler stop laughing at me!" I stomped. A sigh left his lips before he complied.

"Cooler, you know your brother is 'sensitive'. Knock it off." Cooler immediately halted his laughter, but still he had that look plastered on his face.

"Spoiled little brat."

"That may be, but at least I'm the favorite."

"I guess we're stuck here for a while." Father said, sitting down on the very same rock that, what was her name? Solstice! That Solstice sat upon. I don't know anything about her, or why Kuriza disobeyed me, but I will finish our 'friendly sparring' the next time I see her.

Breezy POV:

My body, or what was left of it, screamed out in agony. At least it wouldn't last too much longer with all the blood I was losing. I watched on in terror as Ocarina was brutally sliced to bits with his own sword, regenerating, then chopped up again. He used to love that sword. I relayed it in my mind.

I sat in the bunk room, shaving a log I picked up from one adventure on a planet we visited before. I wanted to make a weapon out of the log.

"And stay in there until you learn your lesson!" One of the guards tossed a young Ocarina into the room and slammed the door. He slid across the floor and remained still.

"Ocarina! What's wrong?" I rushed to his side. He refused to look at me or move at all. "What did they do to you?"

"They tried to train me to fight."


"When I didn't live up to their standards, they beat me down and threw me in here. They called me a pitiful excuse to the Namekian race." He wheezed through heavy, shame filled breaths. I extended my hand and helped him up.

"Oh don't mind them. I think you're a fine example of a Namek. You just need to find your niche. They were the ones who trained you wrong. Here!" I ran to my bed and grabbed the shaved log, which looked like a sword at that point. "I made this. You can have it as long as you promise to work hard and never doubt yourself again."

"R-really? A sword? My own sword?" He teared up again but in joy.

"Consider it a gift."

He trained so hard everyday with that sword. Now it's sheathed in his back. I looked into his glossy brown eyes one final time.


", Breezy.... Don't be so d..down. You're always....going to be friend, even if we march through Hell...we'll do it...together...." He coughed weakly. I tried to crawl toward him, but one of those monsters put their boot on my back.

"Long live the Majins." He scoffed at me, then applied so much pressure that I was broken in half. My upper half was still able to fight for survival and that's just what I did. I locked my wobbling arms around his muscular leg in a final attempt. He chuckled lowly seconds before blasting me with a razor sharp disc of energy. I pulled myself together after being cut up by the disc and continued strangling his leg. "Stubborn fool. I'll finish you now." True to his word, he resumed his rampage of ki blasts and strikes until flinging both halves of me backwards onto my friend.
"We tried...Oc-"

Solstice POV:

"You killed my friends!" I roared at one of the four Saiyans left from the original troop.

"Oops! Maybe you should join them!"

"Never! I died once, that's enough!"

"Solstice!" I turned to Kuriza who was flying next to me. "I'm tired of this. It wasn't worth it. What do you say we botch this mission?"

"I couldn't agree more. But Kuriza, cover me."

"What?" I gradually descended to the ground near the Saiyan.

"What are you up to?" He impatiently shouted.

"I'm gathering my friends so I can give them a proper burial later." I said sharply, returning to Kuriza's side.

"It's too good for them, whatever burial you honor them with." Before I could make any remarks, the three others surrounded us.

"Kuriza, remember that move you said you'd never use two years ago right after trying it out?"

"Yes, why?"

"Do it."

"With pleasure." He cracked his knuckles. I placed Ocarina's and Breezy's corpses in a bubble of ki prior to grabbing Kuriza's hand. We were shrouded in purple and green auras, the air around us crackling like lightning and static. Then we disappeared from view. We were rushing around the planet at warp speed.

"Sonic!" I yelled.

"Overdrive!" Kuriza continued.

"Assault!" We both screamed at the top of our lungs as our auras merged and we left a purple-green light trail around the planet.

"What are they doing?"

"What a stupid name. Sonic Overdrive Assau-" The planet had been destroyed due to our combined energies.

"Solstice, we have to go!" I heard Kuriza warn me urgently.

"Not until...I find..our friends!" I responded, dodging hunks of planet and rock. I found the bubble drifting away and reached for it. Kuriza wrapped his tail around mine and pulled.

"I said let's go! We could get crushed if we stay here. Then we'll be like them!"

"Fly, Kuriza! Fly! I've got them!" I shrieked as he dragged us both through the vacuum of space.

Raising up a Frost Demon Legacy (A DBZ Kuriza story)Where stories live. Discover now