Just a Painful Memory

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Kuriza POV:

It's been too quiet since the whole nap fest incident. No one talked or even left their spot. I set the ship to autopilot and went to see if they were even alive. Frieza lie in his bed on the left side of the room, facing the wall. Solstice mirrored his action but on the right side. Borealis sat Indian style on the tiled floor between the two with his twin sister Aurora. I had to do something to fix this or the silence would drive me insane.

"Hey kids, why don't you go play tag in the hallway for a moment?"

"Freeza?" Aurora cocked her little head.

"I have to speak with grandpa Frieza and your mother. Go play." Aurora got the idea and yanked her brother out of the room. I closed and locked the door behind them. In all honesty, that was probably the worst idea I've had thus far. I had no clue how to even start talking to the two.

"So....Who wants to summon the dragon?" Nobody answered me. "Come on, you can't stay mad forever. Especially if I wished-"

"You know what I would wish for? A family that isn't pathetic, immortal life, and for you to shut the Hell up." Frieza ranted spitefully. Once he finished, he lie back down as if he didn't just touch a nerve.

"MY family is pathetic? Oh don't even go there, girlfriend! If I could make a wish right now, I'd wish you back to Hell with those two German guys that love wrestling. That or to make you relive your oh so glorious life from beginning to end!" Solstice erupted. Things got real tense.

"You know, I have the Dragon Balls.."

"Nobody cares, you insolent vermin!" Frieza snapped at me.

"Don't belittle my mate, you ugly, pink skinned freak!"

"Me ugly? How dare you!" The two were butting heads at this point. I was almost scared to do or say anything. Unsure of how to stop them before it gets any more intense, I punched the door down with one hit and fled from the scene.

Solstice POV:

"I think we messed up big."

"I think I agree with you." He said with one hand on his hip.

"Should we chase him?"

"Probably. But first, I want to tell you a little something..."

Kuriza POV:

I burst through the ceiling of the ship and sat on it as it flew. I observed the stars, each flickering like a candle's flame. I wanted to fly to them and away from those two, bickering like starving hounds over meat.

"Why must everybody fight around me?" I tried to battle a tear that wanted to drop and lost. "He always fights with everyone! Even my mother!" I buried my teary face in my knees and curled my tail up as a sob left my throat.

"I don't even know you! How could this weakling possibly be related to me?!"

"How could you not remember what we were, what we had!? Kuriza is your son!"

"No he isn't! You're trying to trick me! Zarbon, Dodoria, take this rubbish out of my sight."

Again and again, he refused to believe who I was. I even forgot who I was for the longest time. Only when a messenger approached me with news that my father was slaughtered on planet Namek did I truly remember. Then when Grandpa Cold brought him back before searching for the Saiyan named Goku, I got the chance to see him. His metallic parts frightened me but he seemed to finally accept me.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I barely poked my head out but I knew who it was.

"Sure." Her just being present cheered me up a little.

"Just like old times, huh?" She nervously laughed. I pulled her closer to me and blushed, refusing eye contact. Afterwords, I kissed her. She eagerly returned my affection.

"How very inappropriate." We broke away, embarrassed of being caught by Frieza. "Instead of locking lips, why don't you start making your wishes. Unless you want me to have all three."

"Not on your life." Solstice disappeared and reappeared directly in front of him and smirked. "And by the way, I take back the ban."

"Maybe you aren't so pathetic after all." At Frieza's words, I cracked into a smile as I followed the two back inside the ship.

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