Arrival of Rivals

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Our ship kissed the Namekian soil oh so cautiously, yet one of the bystanders reported our arrival to the others in the simplistic village.

"Let me handle the talking and business. If they turn hostile, prepare to back me up. Ready?" Kuriza spoke to me as we paced to the ship's hatch. As we exited the vessel, a sea of dark green, brown, and light green villagers formed lines on either side of us to prevent our escape. I followed Kuriza despite a growing feeling of unease every step we took. All eyes were piercing us, yet we continued until the village leader appeared at the far end of the line.

'Why so nervous?' 'I don't know, Breezy. I'm just scared.' 'But you have Kuriza and us if things go awry.' 'Thanks, you guys. I'm so glad we're such good friends.' 'Wait a minute. I think I know that Namekian over there...'

"What is your business here, Frost Demons?" The elder, an ancient silvery being, questioned in a pugnacious manner.

"Our cause is simple and just. We only wish to make up for any wrongdoings our kind did prior."

"What makes you think we require, let alone want, anything to do with your kind?"

"Because if you don't accept our peace offering, how else could we correct our errors?"

"Elder, please reconsider!" Someone from the sidelines pleaded. When he stepped out of the mosh pit of people, we could see something about him was different from the others. He was shorter, yes, but there was something familiar about him.

"What is it, Dende?" The elder asked impatiently.

"I received telekinetic word from your long lost son, Ocarina. He proved to me that these two truly mean no harm and that they are on a mission throughout the universe to rewrite their destinies."

"Ocarina spoke to you, Dende?"


"Then it seems we can trust these two."

"Then what can we help you with? We're eager to do almost any task."

"I suppose you can help Dende and the others clean out the water supply."

"We'll get right to it, Elder."

I clawed my way out of the massive body of water after retrieving the last piece of scattered debris.

"I HATE water." I snarled, shivering and collapsing on the marshy dirt.

"There, there, Solstice. You'll dry up soon." Kuriza smirked, patting my back.

"Easy for you to say. You aren't soggy and miserable!"

"That concludes your debt. You may leave now." Dende stated. We politely bowed our heads to him before rushing to our ship.

"Do you really trust them, Dende?"

"Ocarina does. That counts for something." We heard the two speak while we boarded the aircraft.

"Here." Kuriza wrapped a fuzzy towel around my quaking form.

"Thanks. Hey Kuriza, what are those in that bag you have there?"

"Oh these? I'm glad you asked." He grinned, laying the sack on the floor and untying it. "I'm surprised that no one saw me swipe their Dragon Balls."

"So THAT'S why you weren't helping me with the lake. You clever boy!"

"I guess you could say I've got a lovely bunch of Dragon Balls here." He blabbed, caressing three of the orbs, one with his tail. 'Thank you Ocarina for being the son of the elder on New Namek!' 'I'm glad to be of assistance.' 'Hey Solstice.' 'What?' 'You should tell him now. You know, before that other she demon out there claims him.' 'Wait. What?'

Raising up a Frost Demon Legacy (A DBZ Kuriza story)Where stories live. Discover now