Friendly Sparring?

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Solstice POV:

"Just because I have nothing better to do," he sighed in surrender, "I'll just give you a taste of my tremendous strength. You better feel honored."

"Yes!" I celebrated. The much older alien gave me a look of complete confusion.

"Why are you so-"

"Happy punch!" I burst, suddenly jabbing him in the face. He rubbed his reddened cheek as he tried to figure out what happened. "Happy punch!" I did it again to the other cheek.

"Stop doing tha-"

"Aaaand tail sweep!" I swept him off his feet with my tail. Cooler and King Cold face-palmed at the display before them. Frieza vanished and reappeared behind me, preparing a kick. My tail constricted his three toed foot and flung him down.

"That's not fair! You keep catching me off guard!" He raged after he hit the craggy ground.

" your prodigy, dad. You traded me for this." Cooler said, turning to the king.

"Not now Cooler." I prepped a paralyzing ki blast in my hands as Frieza ranted. I didn't expect him to be so easy to fluster. It connected, stopping the tyrant dead in his tracks.

"You're boring me, so I'm going to end this with a bang." I charged up a green blade made completely from ki and held it over my head as it grew in size and evidently in strength.

"This is just- I don't want to do this anymore!" Frieza threw a hissy fit. The blade swept the rocky battlefield at a slow pace, slow enough for him to get up and leap over it in a single bound. He landed and gave me the most hateful glare he could manage.

"Seriously. You sure know how to choose them." Cooler continued.

"Cooler, wait until his tantrum breaks. Then you'll see why he's my favorite."

"That's it! I'm going to blow you-"

"Oh my." Zarbon smirked in the distance.

"-and this Hell hole to bits!" Frieza flew up and raised his index finger, his insane face activated. On the tip formed his signature, Supernova. Within seconds of charging it, it was the size of a dwarf planet. My eyes raced forth and back, trying to plan on what to do next. Then I decided to take it and switched into a defensive stance to block. When the ball was a foot away, pulsing energy through the air, I closed my eyes tight. I could almost feel the static pulsing closer.

I expected to be completely wiped out of existence from the impact, but it never came. I still didn't open my eyes until I smelled a mixture of burning plants and salty rain. It differed drastically from the odor of scorched flesh and death. I reluctantly opened one eye, then the other. I was back on the new Saiyan planet! 'But where is Kuriza? And that guy that murdered me?' I pondered. All around me was absolute chaos and discord- even nature was out of whack. The waters raged, the wind whipped and sliced me, and the rain felt like tiny needles piercing my scaly hide.

"Solstice!" I felt arms envelop me in a backwards embrace. A wave of warmth washed over my body.

"Kuriza?" I inhaled a deep breath and held it.

"She's alive!" Breezy bounced over and she too threw her arms around me. 

"Breezy! That explains why I didn't see you where I went. You weren't dead!" I blabbed as the Majin smiled widely.

"Join in, Ocarina!" Breezy offered to the blushing Namekian. He did so. All of us were laughing and joyous.

"I'm glad you're back, Lady Solstice." Ocarina stated, the slightest bit of happiness showing in his voice.

"I'm glad to be back. Hell was a bother. Everyone there was annoying, well, except for three of them." I murmured the last part to myself.

"What was that?" Ocarina asked.

"Nothing." I reddened, recalling the three I had in mind.

"That's nice and all, but it's a shame you're all going right back to Hell." A cocky voice stated, causing us to snap back and look. Above us hovered several brutal looking, muscular beings similar to the one that killed me. Some of which had scars trailing over their bodies that made them look incredibly tough.

"S-Saiyans!" I stammered. We all broke the embrace and leered at the warriors.  

"That's right!" One replied. They even sounded alike. It was clear that I had to get ready for a fight, quite possibly my last fight.

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