Two Space Lizards On a Ship

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Though we just left our home planet not too long ago, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. After ten minutes of watching the countless stars pass by, I became extremely bored.

"Soooolsstiiiice?" I whined.

"What is it, Kuriza?" She replied without looking at me, focused on driving.

"I'm dreadfully bored and there's nothing to do! Can you entertain me?"

"I can't now. I have to watch the road."

"There is no road." I hopped on her lap and peered out the windshield while pressing on the horn.

"Just go find some way to amuse yourself until I figure out where the autopilot is on this thing." She said firmly, picking me up with her tail and setting me down.

"Ugh!" I grunted in frustration as I lumbered over to a wall behind the control room. Just then I came up with a sneaky plot to make Solstice play with me. I head butted the wall right where she was sitting on the opposite side of. After about fifteen minutes of repeated ramming, I was starting to lose hope. I gathered all my remaining energy on one massive head smash. I went to pull my cranium away from the wall but my horn was stuck.

"Solstice! A little assistance?!" I called in desperation. I heard her almost fall out of her chair and scramble to me.

"How did this even- I don't want to know." She clicked her tongue as she stood behind me.

"I told you I was bored! Just pull me out."

"On three. One-" She counted, yanking roughly at my embedded horn. Before she reached two, I was freed from the wall.

"Thanks. Does that look mean I'm in trouble?" I asked nervously under her fiery glare.

"Big time. You're lucky I just found the autopilot. Now go sit down and think about what you did." She scolded. I solemnly trudged to my seat up front and plopped down. Solstice joined but neither of us spoke or made eye contact.

I had fallen into a blank, dreamless slumber without even noticing. All the while, I felt like I was being cradled and rocked. My eyes barely opened past a slit and I could make out that spring green, white, and aqua colored body of Solstice, her crystal blue eyes rested intently upon me. I could slightly hear faint voices as my vision faded again.

"It's no good. I can't reach him. It's like there's an invisible force field blocking my way. I bet it's her doing."

"Try harder then! We have to warn him about the-"

I was jolted awake when the whole ship started shaking and alarms blared, accompanied by flashing lights.

"Oh no." Solstice muttered as she checked one of the holographic menus that popped up on the front screen. I followed closely behind. "Kuriza, stay near to me. We have intruders on the first level."

"What?!" I gasped, hoping this was just a nightmare and that when I wake up, I'll be asleep in my seat. Sadly, that wasn't happening any time soon. Suddenly the lights and power cut off.

"Come on." Solstice whispered. She led us to the bottom of the ship. We were either activating the backup power source or confronting the intruders. I held onto her slick tail somewhat tightly in fear of getting lost or separated. I could swear I saw figures moving about in the pitch blackness.

"Solstice, I'm frightened."

"It'll be fine, Kuriza. I won't let anything happen to you." She vowed, lifting me up in her embrace. I started feeling a bit better until the lights abruptly reactivated and several villainous characters loomed before us.

"Well, well, well! Look what we have here!" A round pink blob declared. He looked like the leader; he was dressed in a shiny long cape and the works.

"Are those surviving Frost Demons?" A dark green and aged slug looking being inquired.

"It appears to be a mother and her offspring." Another blob with pointy ears reported.

"Who are you and what do you want with our ship?" Solstice asked in a somewhat demanding tone, not even bothering to correct them. I buried my face in her shoulder. I could feel her tensing up.

"We are the protectors of this orbital path. We can't let scum like you and your kind pollute the recovering system. Especially after the tyrant's revival incident." The pink blob spoke again. Solstice was becoming offended, I could sense.

"But we did no wrong. So why are you trespassing on our ship?"

"We must enforce the law."

"Hey boss, tell me if you heard this one before. So there are two space lizards on a ship-" One of the squad members spouted out to the leader in an attempt to be comical.

"Silence! Nobody calls us space lizards! We are a proud race!" Solstice screeched. The blob guy frowned.

"Grab them and take them aboard." He finalized, turning and leaving without another word and letting his cape flow as he moved.

"Get your hands off!" We struggled but their grasp was tight and their numbers were great. We had no choice but to be led to this group's ship and to suffer an unknown fate.

Raising up a Frost Demon Legacy (A DBZ Kuriza story)Where stories live. Discover now