The New Saiyan Planet

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"Kuriza! Look at me!" My eyes ripped open to meet a similar red pair of eyes burning into mine. The eyes enough startled me but when I observed the rest of the figure, I was close to going into shock.

"Father?!" I gasped, pupils shrinking to pinpricks.

"I didn't want to take on this form. I hate it, if I can tell you the truth."

"Why did you- what is- who did this to you!?" I stuttered in terror as I ran my fingers against the cold steel of his face, or what remained of it.

"Remember I spoke of dirty monkeys some time prior? It was them that did this to me." He spat bitterly, narrowing his eyes.

"Don't you fret about that. I'll wish you back. Then we can get some much needed revenge. Together." I vowed. He grinned evilly.

"Good. Remember, there's seven Dragon Balls you need in order to wish me and the others back."

"Frieza!" Someone screamed. Frieza rolled his eyes and folded his hands over his half metallic, half scarred chest.

"Leave me to my business and don't deviate from your mission. Otherwise I'd have to call you Cooler jr." He let out a deep chuckle before vanishing.

"Is he alright?"

"Yes. He just has these dreams every now and then about his family."

"So that's why he talks in his sleep!"

"He's coming to. Shush!" I slowly drifted back to reality to see the three others peering back at me.

"Ugh, my head hurts." I whimpered. Though it was only a dream, I could swear my hands still felt the lifeless metal from my father's face.

"Let me guess. You had another bad dream, didn't you?" Solstice grinned at me.

"How did you know?" I rubbed sleep out of the corner of my eyes.

"Well.." Solstice paused, debating whether to continue or not.

"You speak in your sleep." Ocarina blurted out. I reddened in sheer embarrassment.

"And you listened?!"

"We had to."

"I understand you Solstice, but those two have no excuse! Shame on the both of you!"

"Are you cranky?" Solstice cocked her head as her arms reached out to wrap around me.

"Yes. Actually." I let her pull me in and I yawned, still groggy.

"Should we tell him about the oncoming land now?" Ocarina asked emotionlessly. My eyes burst open. "Because it's right there."

"You never told me we were approaching land!?"

"I knew you'd freak out if I said anything and they just went with it." Solstice spoke calmly.

"We're going to die!" I shouted louder than I ever have before.

"See? That's exactly why I didn't want you to know." She said. I constricted my tail around her and clung on for dear life. "Hold on tight! It's about to be a rough impact!" Solstice warned over the sound of chaos in the pod. The heat from outside the pod was unbearable.

"What?!" Breezy asked.

"I SAID-" Everything stopped at once as an ear shattering BOOM erupted.

Solstice POV:

When the collision ended, I timidly peeked through one eye. I didn't want to find everyone impaled or dead. Luckily we escaped with only scratches and bruises. I was the only one fully conscious, so I forced the pod open to get some air by kicking a hole in it with my foot. The pod was quickly filling with smoke- I had to act fast. Still cradling Kuriza, I grabbed Breezy and Ocarina's arms and pulled with most of my might. I brought them a safe distance from the pod and lay them in the surprisingly soft grass before passing out myself. Right before fading out, I felt eyes upon us.

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