Clash of Titans : Orbital Bombardment Part 2

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They were unable but only a Buttercup, and Bubbles, were able to crash through it. Juniper Lee channeled her power but was on her knees.
Badgerclops was weighed down as he couldn't make a steady shot.
As Bubbles and Buttercup charge forward, defying the intense gravitational pull, they suddenly find themselves weaving through a storm of searing lightning bolts. Each strike illuminates their determination, but the real challenge is ahead. Meanwhile, Juniper Lee, with her signature agility, is a whirlwind of action, dismantling the relentless swarm of flying robots with precision and grit.

Gravitox, with his imposing presence, confronts the heroines, his voice booming with disdain, "You meddlesome heroes, you can't even comprehend the utopia you're preventing. A world reborn from ashes, pure and uncorrupted!" The stage is set; the heroes must not only battle the forces of nature but also confront the twisted ideals of Gravitox.
Juniper Lee shatters the rocky defense with sheer force, her fist a comet through the experimental barrage. Numbuh 1 and 5 join the fray, their blasters blazing, but Gravitox's kinetic grasp turns their efforts into nothing but a light show. As Fillmore, Ingrid, and Tulip unleash their own assault, Gravitox unveils his experimental barrier, an impregnable shield against the heroes' onslaught
. Even Bubbles' energy projections fizzle out against it. Gravitox  stands, a smug titan amidst the chaos, but how will the heroes adopt? They're up against a wall, but they're not out of tricks yet!
Buttercup decides to catch him off guard and hits him harder but he uses his left hand a giant Rock to cover Buttercup and slams it through 10 stories of the base. Gravity!!!
He pressed the rock in place .
As Bubbles and Juniper Lee made their way towards Gravitox, a blinding flash of lightning revealed the imposing figure of The Excruciator, a giant purple armored knight. With a swift motion of his hands, he effortlessly separated them and unleashed a staggering 5 million volts of electricity. Juniper Lee fell to the ground, while Bubbles found herself on the receiving end of relentless attacks. But the heroes aren't alone!

Ko launched a powerful energy ball, and Finn fearlessly engaged The Excruciator, who drew his sword in response. It's a battle of epic proportions, and the stakes are higher than ever.

Things  are getting wild! Jake tries to break through Shadowstrike's shield with his massive hands, but it's no use. Vambre steps in and manages to deflect a powerful attack from his right hand, but Gravitox retaliates with his gravitic matter balls, uppercutting her and sending her flying. Adorabat swings Mao Mao's sword and takes out some of the gravity balls, but she gets thrown into a wall by Gravitox's gravity attack.
However, Tulip comes in with her shard weapon laser, which cuts right through his absorption. It seems like Tulip found a way to counter him. Tulip smirks and says, "Interesting."

Gravitox: you'll pay for that.

Tulip's quick on her feet, dodging left and right, but one of Gravitox's attacks sends her weapon flying. Just as Gravitox hurls a rock at Tulip, KO steps up and blasts it to smithereens, following up with a flurry of punches. TKO unleashes a devastating punch that shatters Gravitox's shield, then darts around with a barrage of strikes. He launches a massive attack at The Excruciator, who morphs into lightning to evade, but TKO isn't done—slamming a giant rock that fractures the ground beneath them it begans Knocking Him to the ground .

Shadowstrike, with a relentless fury, continues his onslaught. Jack, battered but not beaten, tries to regain his footing. The Executioner, eyes gleaming with malice, watches from the sidelines, his trap having done its job. As the storm rages around them, bolts of lightning illuminating the grim scene, Jack, with a defiant roar, attempts to rally. His sword, a blur of steel and determination, clashes against Shadowstrike's advances. The battle rages on, each strike a testament to their wills. Show me the shard, Jack.

TKO stands tense, his destructo disc of shadow energy at the ready, but he's frozen by the sight of Jack, helpless in Shadowstrike's grasp. The battlefield is silent for a heartbeat, waiting for TKO's decision. Unikitty and Juniper Lee are still recovering, and unable to assist. It's a moment of truth for TKO—does he dare unleash his power, or does he have a trick up his sleeve to turn the tables on Shadowstrike?

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