"Alliance of the lost: New friends"

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Before the ship takes off. ko appears hiding in the bottom.
Our plan is a success I got 1 half and one tiny shard of the shards in our power. I just need the other half or 3/4 of the half. Whatever.
Gravitox: Mr warner will be proud of us.
The excruciator: waited patiently as he was on the side of the sector.
Where have you all been?
Ravage: we ran into some trouble.
Tetrax: we could have beaten them.
Vortexa: those brats somehow got into our ship and destroyed it.
Shadowstrike ( angry )So which one of you let Ko escape?
He wasn't alone. It was with the help of Tauro the Champion a prisoner we found not too long ago.
Shadowstrike ( worried ) He is loose where is he!!! this mission is in jeopardy about to be looking for us.

Ravage: my intelligence picked up he and the heroes were clashing and he defeated them then he left this world.
Vortexa: only one Of them Succumbed to their death as I'm sure of it.
Ravage: yeah that Cat hero they Called Mao Mao is dead.

Shadowstrike: their powerhouses have fallen. I have the samurai and the shard. The odds of us winning have increased.

"I want to see Ko suffer along with his friends ." when we meet again I'm going to rid him of life this world and planet will burn and will be. Gravitox: "Time to see what makes a samurai tick. Hold still; this won't hurt a bit... for me."

Shadowstrike: "Just make it quick, Gravitox. We have other matters to attend to."

Gravitox, with a gleam in his eye: "Fascinating. The willpower readings are off the charts. This energy could be revolutionary."

As he flips the switch, Gravitox muses: "What if, with a little gravitational manipulation, we could split the mind, harness double the power..."

Samurai Jack, straining against his bonds, lets out a fierce cry, his resolve unbroken even in the face of pain.

Outside of the cartoon network city which is being sealed by Dr strange nothing bad can be let out. Strange notice it has one more day till the barrier breaks and chaos will break loose if evil goes into the City of California. 

Dr. Strange, with a calm demeanor: "Nick, my strength has its limits. This barrier will hold for one more day at most."

Nick Fury, resolute: "Then we'll make every second count. Jack's got heart, and with our help, he'll pull through.

Ashi: "I'll help. Jack needs us now more than ever."

Nick Fury: "Ashi, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd be fighting alongside us. But I've seen the change in your heart. We're all in this together, and your skills will be invaluable."

Ashi, determined: "I've learned the true meaning of honor and justice, and I'll do whatever it takes to save Jack. Let's make sure evil doesn't prevail."

Nick Fury, giving a nod of approval: "That's the spirit, Ashi. We'll fight as a team and bring Jack back safely. Time to show the world what we're made of!"

Ashi, taking in the chaos around her, her resolve hardening: "This destruction... it's unlike anything I've seen. But I won't let it deter me. Jack, I'm coming."

Meanwhile, Victor and Valentino were separate from the group they were in a building wondering where they were.

She sees a 3 war ship in the distance.   Statues of toon characters all over. KO was hanging on the ship as it took off. He lost his grip and fell from the sky. Everything went dark for him. He uses tko to catch on but his powers fizzled out. The ship was made to counter his Turbo powers He fell to the ground making a crater as he watched it take off to the skies.

KO, dazed and bruised, pushes himself up from the, his eyes tracking the ship as it disappears into the clouds: "No... my powers... they're gone. How am I supposed to fight back now?" He looks around at the statues, the remnants of the battle, feeling the weight of the moment. "But I can't give up. There's still hope, I just have to find it." His determination reignites, despite the setback.

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