The search is over !!

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At Shields base of operations blocked off at California town . The giant shield is still holding the city and the world in place .

Nick Fury : how its holding up
Dr strange :everythings holding up fine this spell might not last long Give it a 2 days.
Fury : Ok I trust you Strange ."
"The world depends on you and the agents ."

Dr strange sips on his beverage
"I need more expresso please oh 3 lumps please ."

Shaggy : Man like I hope Scoob is alright

Steven: I got a ukulele to cheer you up .
Filmore : not the time for this please
Ingrid :What he said
Unikitty: we need it so you can turn that frown upside down .
Zak : this day keeps getting bizarre we need to get this shard too an expert .
Ingrid :  as long we been here I got one question." is Dexter around? ."
Steven : no haven't seen him .
Fillmore : knowing  the genius he probably created a base that is kept secretive he wouldn't allow himself to be captured Easy.
Mandy : that four eyes should have an idea of what we should do with it.

They began to climb out of the entrance, their determination unwavering.

Zak: We're one step closer to solving this.

Shaggy: Like yeah, we got that shard thingy.

Unikitty: At least we have each other. We're friends, and when we work together, anything is possible. It's all about friendship.

Steven: I agree. We've come so far; we can't stop now. Nothing can stop us now!

Mandy: A little too soon to celebrate, I think.

Just as they thought they were making progress, a giant robot appeared, armed to the teeth.

Zak: This day couldn't get any worse.

The robot attempted to crush them underfoot, but Steven summoned a protective pink shield to hold it back. He then managed to knock it off balance.

Fillmore and Ingrid fired their weapons, but it became evident that the robot was bulletproof.

Raven used her magic, casting spells to weaken the robot, while Unikitty shot fireballs from her mouth, adding to the attack.

Steven launched Mandy towards the robot's head, where she tried to cut through it with her chainsaw. At the same time, Steven threw his pink shield at the robot's head, landing powerful punches that only managed to scratch it.

Zak reached out for help, calling upon some big worms to try and restrain the robot.

Raven did her best to restrain the robot with her magic, but it was a struggle.

Fillmore: Anytime now, Shaggy!

Shaggy attempted to harness his powers, but he faltered.

Shaggy: I can't. I don't know how to do it.

Zak: What do you mean? You've done it before!

Steven: Come on, Shaggy! Believe in yourself. You can do this!

Shaggy, filled with doubt, confessed, "I don't know how to activate it, guys."

Their confusion distracted them long enough for the robot to break free. It loomed over them, preparing to arm itself.

Raven quickly conjured a magic shield to protect everyone as the robot relentlessly attacked.

The group stood there, determined and ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

The robot menacingly blocked out Raven's magic as the group struggled to find a way to defeat it. But suddenly, a trio of powerful heroes descended from the sky: Buttercup, Bubbles, and Garnet.

Crossover  nexus : The streaming wars ) ( 2018)Where stories live. Discover now