METAL mayhem :Confrontation with the Rogueborgs

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In the city ruins sandy area. Randy Cunningham and Eltigre were playing a guessing game while Danny was recharging his powers and back to his human form. Kick was on his floating hoverboard. Danny was annoyed by Eltigre and Randy talking. He wanted to focus on the mission

Danny, probably sighing: "Guys, can you keep it down? I need to concentrate here."

El Tigre, with a grin: "Oh, come on, Danny! Lighten up, it's just a game!"

Randy, chuckling: "Yeah, don't be such a spoilsport. We're almost done anyway."

Kick, hovering nearby: "Maybe take a break, Danny? A minute won't hurt the mission."

We need to find a way back if we're not back in time juniper lee gonna kill us. Need to update where we are not that far. I'm not picking up any signal from June. This is bad either she is super mad or worse something happened to her and the rest. Worst case scenario she is alive and furious we dig our own graves. Danny said

Randy: Dude, I feel you! We gotta find a way back ASAP. If Juniper Lee doesn't hear from us, she's gonna go full-on Hulk mode. And if something bad happened to her and the rest, we're in deep trouble. Let's hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Kick: this would be easy if I can summon Stormbreaker!
Randy: Oh there's a base up ahead
Danny stood up
"Alright, here's the plan: I've got the map, and there are more bases around us. For now, I can't tap into my powers, so I'm on the sidelines. Kick, you're on distraction. Keep 'em busy. Randy, and Eltigre, you guys are on the flank. Stay low, stay quiet. We need to be smart about this. Everyone ready? Let's move out." Danny's laying low. "I'll just stick to playing human for now," he whispers, ready to blend in.

The action's intense! Randy's like a ninja, swiftly taking down guards left and right

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The action's intense! Randy's like a ninja, swiftly taking down guards left and right. Eltigre's uppercuts are like thunder, knocking out foes with sheer power. Kick's in the thick of it, tossing smoke grenades and gas bombs, creating a blinding, choking veil. Then he pulls out the big guns—a rocket launcher crackling with lightning, turning the base into a fireball. And through the chaos, Danny's the silent ace, slipping through unnoticed to snatch the data from the computer. It's total mayhem! 🌪️💥🔥.
Fenton walks up to the computer.
Danny: I found out there's more   What they're up to. They're taking the city resources.
In other words, they draining the city dry and replacing it with toxins that can kill tons or even humans.
Randy: Danny since you've been to the future mind telling me what happens if these bigger bombs go off. It's powerful enough to break this barrier outside the city and that's when the real invasion begins.
"The heroes failed and disbanded.  In the future KIM is possible Ron Stoppable Samurai Jack, Ironman, Ben and everyone else sacrificed so much to get me back into the present.
Randy: Those guys are the Avengers how is it possible? Since there were hardly heroes and the world was in an apocalyptic state villains and our archenemies took over countries than the world.

Something pops up on his wrist.
**Danny:** *(Looking at his communicator)* 12 enemy bases just got taken down in a minute!

**Randy:** That's wild! They got wiped out in seconds!

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