Guy Time - Part ll

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry that it took so long to post this chapter, and I'm sorry that it's so short, but I'm running off of fumes at this point. I was on call all weekend and have been working more than I've slept. I'm grateful for the overtime, but I was put on call on a short notice, so I wasn't prepared for it. I'm aiming to post another chapter sometime this week because I'm going out of town from Friday-Sunday, so I will be away from my phone/offline for three days. I hope you all like it! 


Simon's Point of View:

"As much as I hate to admit it, this is quite nice," I huffed at Johnny, leaning back in my chair at this bloody spa Kiera set us up in. Never would I have imagined myself in a spa with one of my comrades. Ever. I feel like I would've hurt Kiera's feelings if I ended up not doing something she planned for me, and now that I'm here, I think she was right, though I didn't see myself to earn a "spa day" of being pampered – that was all for her and more up her alley. My version of a spa day would involve whiskey and guns, but she did this for me, and the least I could do was take her up on her offer.

"Right, L.T.? I almost fell asleep taking that milk bath. Did you know that whenever you fart, it takes forever for the bubble to reach the surface?" He snickered, looking like a little kid.

"No, I never thought about it," I scoffed. "I just sat there contemplating my life decisions."

"Oh, come on, L.T. You know you like it. Are you saying you regret getting married so early? If so, I wish you would've told me so I could've shot my shot with Kiera." He teased, and I knew he was saying it to push my buttons.

"No, but I do regret accepting her offer of going to a spa with you, out of all people," I scoffed. "And I think Kiera definitely would've shot her shot with you."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, with either a pistol or a rifle. Knowing her, it's hard to say." I shrugged, a sly smirk splaying across my lips.

"Bloody hell, she would hesitate at least."

"She wouldn't, trust me."

"Whatever you say, but you can't deny that this is nice. Look at us – just a few years ago I barely knew what you looked like and now I'm sitting next to you in a robe with these weird slippers about to get a massage. Funny how life works out, eh?" He chuckled.

"I hope you know that my man-card was thrown to the curb the minute I stepped foot in here."

"Oh, come on. There's other men here enjoying time away from their wives, getting treated to a nice massage and a milk bath, though I wish there was a mud bath here. I wouldn't know where my fart bubble goes if I was in one of those!"

"Bloody fucking hell," I sighed. "Your maturity certainly hasn't—what are you doing?!"

He shrugged after I caught him taking a photo of us before his thumbs tapped against the screen of his phone, "I told Price about our guy time, and he didn't believe me when I said you were walking around here in a robe and thongs (flip-flops), so I sent him a picture. The old man is probably rolling on the floor right now."

"If he didn't know us, he'd probably think we were gay," I scoffed. I sure hope none of my coworkers at the station are here. That's right, they're not because they still have their man card and can say no to their wives. I, however, can't say no to my own wife.

"Probably. We do look pretty gay right now, L.T. Two men, sitting next to each other in robes who also rode in together. Yep, pretty gay-looking."

"Seems like that bullet to the head you took made you talk more. I miss the person I was several months ago."

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