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Simon's Point of View:

That same night, Kiera and I waited until we put the children to bed to have Johnny, Teeter, and Dirk have an urgent meeting with us at the main house. Dirk knew it was serious as he mentioned several times that he had seen the inside of the main lodge a hand full of times in the last thirty years, and he knew that every time he stepped foot in the house, something serious was happening.

The old man greeted Kiera with a tip of his hat and a gentle hug, closing his eyes as I could tell he saw her as a child of his. He had known her for a long time, and by what Kiera told me, he always looked out for her when her father couldn't. "Where do you need me, Kiera?" He asked her.

"Just on the couch," She pointed. "I'll get you a drink. We're just waiting on Johnny and Teeter."

"Sweetheart, I'm filthy from brandin' all day—"

"So? The couch is leather. Dad always came in head to toe with dirt, so it's nothing new."

"Yeah, but your momma would tan his hide if he didn't take his boots off as soon as he walked in." He chuckled, arching his brow at her.

"Fair point. Just sit on the couch, Dirk." She giggled.

He nodded, reaching out to shake my hand before he followed her instructions. "What're having to drink, mate?"

"Ah, I'll be alright, Simon. Thank you."

"It wasn't an option if you wanted a drink or not." I chuckled.

"Water's fine."

"What he really means is that he wants a beer." Kiera whispered at me, handing me a bottle of Coors before I took it to him.

"Well, well, for a Brit, you sure do know how to read an old man's mind!" He chuckled.

"Don't get used to it, old man."

"I'm only old on the outside. Still about thirty on the inside."

"You say so."

After a few minutes, Johnny and Teeter finally arrived, Foster sitting securely on Johnny's hip. "How are ya, mate?" He grinned at me, patting my shoulder with his free hand as Teeter embraced Kiera, whispering words of encouragement into her ear. Aside from Kristen, Teeter really was a very close friend to Kiera, and I admired that.

Teeter was a force of a woman, and if anything took her or Kiera down, this world was doomed. When Kiera and Laswell were taken by Al Qatala, Teeter thought it was casual fun being slung out of a helicopter with Gaz trying to keep her secure. Looking back, it sure was a memory that she could laugh about later, but it was also a memory that I'm not fond of remembering given the circumstances that followed.

"This must be bad if you're the one callin' a meetin', K." Teeter said, taking Foster from Johnny after they sat on the couch, bouncing the child in her lap to keep him occupied.

"It was really Simon's call," She sighed, checking on Stella again from the bassinet we kept downstairs before grabbing the drink I poured for her before I took Johnny and Teeter their drinks. "And I'm afraid it is serious."

"More serious than what Baler pulled?" She arched her brow.

"More like why I think he did it."

"Woah, woah, I'm way out of the loop here," Dirk sighed, resting his elbows on the back of his knees. "What'd he do?"

"Kiera didn't tell you?" Johnny asked.

"I haven't seen her for more than a few minutes each day when I see her down at the barn!"

"He held me at gunpoint, Dirk. Stole my mom's car with me in the passenger seat, then wrecked, shot at police officers including Simon, then fled."

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