Baler's New Chapter

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Simon's Point of View:

When Johnny and I returned back to the ranch, Kiera was still yet to be home, and I began to grow worried. The last time she had texted me was an hour ago, and I knew I shouldn't overthink about how she was doing. She was with her best friend at her house, likely that they got carried away with catching up on the other's lives.

It was now ten o'clock, and it was only Baler and I sitting at the dinner table. I didn't know what to cook without knowing what Kiera would be hungry for, so Baler and I opted on an old-fashioned bologna sandwich and potato chips, although I was going to regret it in the gym later.

"How's mom holding up?" Baler asked, his mouth full of his sandwich.

"About how you expect," I sighed. "She's still processing it."

"I know. When will she be home?"

"Not sure. She needs time with her friend. I think it's good for her."

"So, since we have the whole house to ourselves..." Baler trailed off with a slight smirk. "Want to hunt each other with those Orbee guns?"

"In the house?"


"Absolutely not. Your mum will scalp me alive. There's no way we'd get the mess cleaned up in time."

"What about a video game?"

"I'm not very good at those."

"You don't have to remind me, dad," He scoffed. "I've seen you play. That's why I'm suggesting it. I've been losing to all my friends this week and I need a pick-me-up."

"Bloody hell. Fine."

"Can I take my food to my room?"

"Would it be fair if I did, and you didn't?" I arched my brow at him, watching him grin before he grabbed his plate.

"I'll turn on the Xbox. We're going to play Red Dead."


"It's that game me and Johnny play. Me and you will make a posse," He nodded, taking his phone out of his pocket before dialing a number, and I sighed when I realized that he was calling Johnny himself.

"Hey, what's up, my man?"

"You wanna hop on your Xbox and play Red Dead with me and dad?"

"Wait, your dad is playing a video game with you? What bet did he lose?" He chuckled.

"He actually wants to spend time with me now," Baler teased. "Want to help me bruise his ego?"

Johnny laughed, "You know I'll take every chance I get to bruise your da's ego. Let me make sure Foster is asleep, then I'll log on. Tell L.T. to get ready. He's messin' with the wrong one this time."

"What did I get myself into?" I grumbled, sighing before I grabbed my plate and glass of water before following Baler upstairs and into his bedroom.

He was right, I was getting my ass kicked in this stupid game, but little did they know, neither one had a chance against me if it was real life. The time had gotten away from me, and it was when I noticed that it was midnight that I was starting to grow worried about Kiera. No calls and no texts.

It definitely wasn't like her at all.

Today, 12:07 AM

Today, 12:07 AM

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