Guy Time - Part 1

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Simon's Point of View:

I woke up to the sensation of soft, peppered kisses against my forehead. Immediately knowing it was Kiera, I almost shot up thinking that I missed my alarm and overslept. "It's okay, Simon. It's only eight." She whispered, pressing her palms against my chest to keep me down on the bed.

"You're home early, love," I hummed, letting her grasp my arm as she eased herself down onto the bed, laying on her side so that she could lay her head against my chest. "Have a good time?"

"I did. I feel like I've gotten enough sleep," She yawned. "I didn't plan on falling asleep on her couch."

"I'm sure. She told me you got tired after feeding Stella. Figured she would've brought you home later."

"I did, too, but she got called into work early. Since Ben, you know, there's been a new supervisor there, and she said he's a real prick and is about to resign."

"I don't blame her."

"I'm going to make breakfast for you and Baler in a few minutes. He should be up by now. How was your night with him?"

I huffed playfully, "Oh, it was interesting, that's for sure."

"You weren't too rough with him, were you?"

"Not like I should've been..."

I couldn't help but smirk at how oblivious Kiera was to my underlying tone, but I also couldn't wait to watch her tear Baler a new one after she found out what I confronted Baler about last night. I knew if I told her now, she would storm into his room and wake him up this early in the morning when she would need to wait to scold him until after the water settled. She was going to be mad, and I hated that she would have to in the first place.

"Uh huh. What're you craving for breakfast?"

"Just keep it simple, love. Don't overwhelm yourself," I assured her with a kiss to her forehead. "I'd be fine with just toast."

"Yeah, I know how you are, babe. I'll just surprise you, then."

"Whatever your little heart desires, sweetheart. Did the kids go back to sleep?"

"They were cranky on the way over here, but they marched themselves to their room and plopped right back down into bed. Stella didn't fuss much, either. She's as quiet as a mouse over there." She smiled, tilting her head towards the bassinet that cradled our new daughter only a few feet from our bed.

"Good. I'll keep an eye on her when you get up. You've had your hands full, I'm sure."

"Thank you. I don't deserve you, Simon."

"You deserve far better than me, but I'm glad you didn't let me lose you." I smiled, my chest tightening when she nuzzled her head into my neck, placing delicate kisses on my exposed chest while her free hand snaked up to cradle the side of my face.

Truly, I didn't know what I did to deserve a woman like her. She was always patient with me and twice as loving. She kept me in a straight line and would tell me when I was being a bastard, yet her feelings for me never faltered. She blessed me with not just herself, but bringing three kids into our world, making our family not only bigger, but keeping me surrounded with the love I wish I had growing up, now having the chance to give my kids the love I never received, hoping they'd never experience the hell I went through at their age.

I had done so much wrong throughout our relationship, yet she never once let me relapse. She kept me sane, and I wish she knew how much I loved her, knew how much I would crawl without limbs just to get to her, to steal the moon from the stars just to get to her. I've killed for her, yet I would do more.

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