7. Wedding Part (1)

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In William's Study

Amelia, sit down. There's something important we need to discuss about our wedding.

What is it, William? Is something wrong?

William sighs, looking up from his paperwork.

No, nothing's wrong. It's just... I've been thinking about the wedding arrangements.

Amelia (smiling)
Oh, have you? I've been imagining about our marriage ceremony.

William leans back, folding his hands.

That's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about. I don't want an extravagant affair with hundreds of guests and lavish decorations.

Amelia (confused)
But why, William?

William leans forward, meeting Amelia's gaze.

I like simple wedding, Amelia. A more intimate gathering, a ceremony that feels genuine. I don't want to get lost in the spectacle.

I see. So, what do you have in mind?

William takes a deep breath, choosing his words carefully.

I want a small ceremony in the church - just you, me, James, and the butler. No fuss, no elaborate decorations. Just a heartfelt exchange of vows.

It's a beautiful idea, William. But what about your relatives and friends?

"We can have a separate gathering later."

But the wedding ceremony, I want it to be personal and focused on us.

Amelia ponders for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Alright, William. If it means a lot to you, then I'm on board. A simple ceremony sounds lovely.

William's expression darkens with slyness as he reaches for Amelia's hand.

Thank you, Amelia. This way, the focus will be on our commitment to each other, not on the extravagance of the event.

I suppose you're right. It's about us, not the size of the celebration.


The scene opens in a bustling bridal boutique. As William and Amelia entered the boutique, suddenly, a girl jumped on William to hug him. As she let go of William, Amelia asked, " William, who is she?"

She is my friend, Sarah, and the owner of this boutique. As Amelia looked at Sarah closely, her eyes widened in surprise. Sarah's modern fashion sense exuded confidence and style; her sleek attire drew attention effortlessly. With a warm smile, William presented Amelia to Sarah as his fiance. Sarah, though initially taken aback but later she greeted Amelia.

Sarah, we are here to shop for our wedding. Could you assist Amelia with choosing the dress? William requested

Of course,William. I'll make sure she shines on her special day.

As Sarah led Amelia to the bridal dress section, she said to Amelia "you are going to be a lucky bride to have someone like William." Listening this Amelia felt a sense of jealousy emanating from Sarah.

Amelia, [holding up a stunning white wedding dress] William, how about this one? It's simply exquisite.

William, [nodding approvingly] Yes, that's beautiful. You would look radiant in it.

Meanwhile, William spots a pair of dazzling heels and shows them to Amelia.

Look at these, Amelia! They would complement your dress perfectly.
Oh, they're stunning! But can I carry them well?

I'm sure no one can carry them better than you, but if you need help, Sarah will assist you.

Seeing them happy, Sarah mumbled, "I can't believe he's marrying someone like her."

William and Amelia are finally done with their wedding shopping.

William pays for everything, Sarah struggles to contain her emotions, with her jealousy boiling over.

Sarah: through gritted teeth Congratulations. I hope you're happy together.

William, (smiling warmly) Thank you, Sarah.

As William and Amelia exit the boutique

Sarah, furious, pacing back and forth How could he choose a nobody like her?
Tears welling up in her eyes It's not fair!

Sarah's anger escalates as she starts to tear down decorations and throw items around the boutique, her emotions spiraling out of control.

Sarah, screaming Why does she get to have him?

Sarah, shaking with rage "I won't let her have him."

Sarah's actions become increasingly violent as she continues to destroy the boutique, fueled by her unrequited love for William.

Her outburst finally comes to an end as she collapses to the floor, exhausted and broken, surrounded by the wreckage of her emotions. She wishpered, He's supposed to be mine!.


As the soft morning light filtered through the lace curtains, Amelia sat alone in front of the vanity mirror, her hands trembling slightly as she adjusted the delicate pearls in her hair. She wore an elegant white gown, the fabric flowing around her like a cascade of ivory silk. With each brush stroke of her makeup, she felt a flutter of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness.

Just as she was about to fasten the final button on her gown, there was a gentle knock on the door. Startled, she paused, her heart skipping a beat. "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud, her voice barely a whisper in the quiet room.

"Amelia? It's me, William," came the familiar voice from the other side of the door.

Amelia's breath caught in her throat at the sound of William's voice. She hadn't expected him to arrive so soon. Hastily, she rose from her seat, smoothing down the fabric of her gown as she made her way to the door. With trembling hands, she reached out to turn the knob, her heart beating faster with each passing moment.

As the door swung open, William's eyes widened in awe at the sight before him. There stood Amelia, bathed in the soft glow of morning light, her beauty ethereal and captivating. For a moment, he was speechless, completely entranced by her presence.

"Amelia," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "You... you look breathtaking."

Amelia blushed at what William said, her heart thumping at the sincerity in his gaze. She looked away, feeling awkward under his intense stare. "Thank you, William," she murmured softly, her heart thumping so loudly that her voice could barely be heard.

But instead of moving to hug her as she had expected, William remained still, his eyes never leaving her face. There was something in his gaze that sent a shiver down her spine.

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