29. Twisted Personality

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It's been two months since William found the news of becoming a father, and since then, his once steady world is roiling with uncertainty. Each passing day brought him a new wave of fear, drowning him in a sea of unease.

In the morning, Amelia sat on the sofa, engrossed in her book. The gentle rustle of  pages turning was interrupted by the creak of the door opening as William entered the room.

Amelia glanced up from her book, noticing the tense look of William as he moved towards the closet to retrieve some clothes. Sensing his unease, Amelia spoke softly, her voice filled with concern. "Is there something bothering you, William?"

William turned toward her, his expression guarded. "No, why are you asking this question?"

"It's just... I feel like you're not happy about our baby," she ventured, her eyes searching his face for any sign of reassurance.

William's features hardened at the mention of the unborn child, a flicker of discomfort passing through his eyes. "It's not like that. Why would I be unhappy about an unborn child?"

Amelia's brow furrowed with worry, her heart heavy with the weight of his unusual behaviour. "It's because... in the last two months, whenever I talk about our baby, you change the topic. Even when I asked you whether you want a girl or a boy, you told me you don't care, whatever it is. Why are you acting like this? It's your baby too, William."

William's facade cracked, and his bottled-up anger finally boiled over. With a swift motion, he reached out and grasped a nearby vase, his hand trembling with barely contained rage. In one swift movement, he hurled it against the wall, the sound of shattering echoing through the room.

Amelia recoiled in shock, her eyes widening in fear as William advanced towards her, his gaze burning with intensity. He seized her hand with a vice-like grip, his fingers digging into her skin as he spoke through clenched teeth.

"You should think before you talk. I love you, and I can't share you with anyone. But still, I am tolerating this child that came in between us. So be grateful, Amelia."

His words hung in the air like a dark cloud, suffocating her with their weight. Trembling, she nodded silently, too afraid to speak as William released her hand and stepped back, his features softening into a twisted smile.

"If you want to talk, then only talk about us," he said, his voice filled with a  chilling mood.With that, he turned and stomped out of the room, leaving Amelia alone with her fears for her baby's safety.

As the echoes of his footsteps faded into the distance, Amelia sank back onto the sofa, her mind reeling with the realization of the danger she and her unborn baby were in. In that moment, the once bright future she had imagined for her family seemed shrouded in darkness.


At night, Amelia sat at the dining table, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, her expression tense and troubled. The butler moved around the kitchen, the clinking of pots and pans echoing in the spacious room. Sensing her distress, he asked her with a concerned expression
"Madam, is everything alright?" he inquired softly, his voice carrying a note of genuine worry.

Amelia forced a small smile, though it failed to reach her eyes. "I'm fine, thank you," she replied, her tone lacking the usual warmth.

The butler, paused in his cooking, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before he spoke again. "If I may be so bold, madam, you seem... troubled. Is there something bothering you?"

Amelia hesitated, torn between wanting to share her worry with the butler and the fear of burdening him with her problems. But the concern in his eyes was enough to lead her to speak. "It's William," she admitted finally, her voice barely above a whisper.

The butler frowned, his features showing genuine concern. "Is there something wrong with master?

Amelia shook her head, a sigh escaping her lips. "Yes,... It's his behavior. He's been... different lately. Distant. And his temper... It's been getting worse."

The butler's brow furrowed in understanding, his expression sympathetic. "I see," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret because he knew his master's real face. "Madam, you must understand... Master has been under a lot of stress lately. Perhaps it's best to give him some space."

But Amelia couldn't shake off her unease. "It's not just stress. He's been taking medication for his anger issues, but..."."I don't think the medication is working. He needs help. Professional help from someone who can truly understand his condition and help him recover."

Before Amelia could finish her talk "You are so thoughtful, my love," William sarcastically said,the atmosphere suddenly became tense as William's presence loomed in the doorway. Both Amelia and the butler froze, their fear noticeable as they turned to face him.

William's gaze settled on the butler, a silent command passing between them. With a nervous glance at Amelia, the butler quickly excused himself and left the room.

Left alone with William, Amelia struggled to maintain her composure. "Welcome back, William," she managed, her voice trembling slightly. "When did you return from the office?"

"I've been back for a while," William replied coldly, his eyes narrowing. "I overheard your conversation. I was hiding behind that wall," he gestured to the adjacent room, his tone menacing.

"I... I was just worried about you," she stammered, her eyes pleading for understanding. "I want you to get better, William. That's all."

A cold smile spread across William's face, sending shivers down Amelia's spine. "Get better?" he repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You think I'm sick? So I need to be fixed?"

Amelia's breath caught in her throat as William's words hung in the air. She searched his face for any hint of the man she once knew, but all she found was a stranger fueled by anger and resentment.

"I don't have any problem, Amelia," William sneered, taking a step closer. "The child in your womb is the problem."

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